Barely Legible Scroll

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Barely Legible Scroll

The Barely Legible Scroll is an object located next to the Dirty Iron Horde Poacher in the cave of of the  [Warm Goren Egg] in the Valley of Destruction in Gorgrond. Having eaten the contents of the egg, the orc would soon meet his fate as the "contents" would seek to escape its new confinements.


Barely Legible Scroll

They said it could not be done but soon I will show them! Only a few more days out here and I will prove that any orc brave enough can live off goren eggs.

The small cold eggs are getting harder to get as the goren eat them as well. Maybe those don't hatch. I will have to go out further and find new nests.

I managed to find two glowing eggs! The first one was easily cracked and I so hungry I just upended it and drank the whole thing in a couple of gulps. There were some big chunks in there but I just ate it all like a true orc! I don't feel so good but at least I'm full.

Patch changes

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