Bard's Trousers

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Bard's Trousers are an uncommon world drop item; it can be dropped by level 13–20 mobs or found inside chests in old world zones, as well as Bloodmyst Isle and the Ghostlands.

Random enchantments

Item Suffix Stats Bonus
of Arcane Wrath +6-7 Arcane Spell Damage
of the Gorilla +2-3 Intellect, +2-3 Strength
of the Owl +2-3 Intellect, +2-3 Spirit
of Spirit +4-5 Spirit
of the Eagle +2-3 Intellect, +2-3 Stamina
of the Falcon +2-3 Intellect, +2-3 Agility
of Power +8-10 Attack Power
of Healing +11 Healing Spells and +4 Damage Spells, +9 Healing Spells and +3 Damage Spells
of the Bear +2-3 Stamina, +2-3 Strength
of the Whale +2-3 Stamina, +2-3 Spirit
of the Wolf +2-3 Spirit, +2-3 Agility
of Agility +4-5 Agility
of the Monkey +2-3 Stamina, +2-3 Agility

External links