Bad Supplies (Horde)

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HordeBad Supplies
Start Bwemba
End Bwemba
Level 35 (Requires 35)
Category Rise of the Zandalari
Rewards 16g 54s
Previous H [35] Voodoo Zombies
Next H [35] Making Contact
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [35] Bad Supplies.


Check out the food preparation area in Hardwrench Hideaway.

  • Supplies Searched


Some of da survivors mentioned food, <name>. We better check da food supplies. I gotta a bad feelin' about dis.


Zanzil... Dis is all startin' to come together now. If I can find my contact den we can formulate a plan of attack. A way to end dis madness.


There is a broken Sack of Spices in one of the houses.

Zanzil mutters to himself.
Zanzil says: A pinch of dis... A dash of dat... Heh, heh!
Zanzil says: Oh Zanzil, Zanzil. I jes' love dat voodoo dat you do.
Zanzil says: Slaves... Zombies... It don't matter to Zanzil. Dey all serve Gurubashi, one way or de other.

After completing this quest, talk to the Zombie Survivor in the house.


Optional breadcrumb: A [35] The Troll Incursion / H [35] The Zandalari Menace

  1. B [35] Bwemba's Spirit
  2. A [35] To Fort Livingston / H [35] To Bambala
  3. B [35] Serpents and Poison
  4. B [35] Spirits Are With Us
  5. B [35] Nesingwary Will Know
  6. B [35] Track the Tracker
  7. B [35] The Hunter's Revenge
  8. B [35] Follow that Cat
  9. B [35] Mauti
  10. B [35] How's the Hunter Holding Up?
  11. B [35] Bury Me With Me Boots...
  12. A [35] Warn the Rebel Camp / H [35] Warn Grom'gol
  13. A [35] Defend the Rebel Camp / H [35] Defend Grom'gol
  14. A [35] To the Digsite / H [35] To Hardwrench Hideaway
  15. B [35] Voodoo Zombies
  16. B [35] Bad Supplies
  17. B [35] Making Contact
  18. N [35H] Booty Bay's Interests
  19. N [35H] A Shiny Reward

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