Backlash (quest)

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For the warlock ability, see [Backlash].
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Rare World Quest
Category Suramar
Reputation +250 The Nightfallen
Rewards Varies
Previous N [45] Answering Aggression



Thalyssra's tone is both angry and deadly serious.
First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Many Nightborne were murdered when Elisande and the Legion attacked. Strike back! Show those devils we will not stand for tyranny.


First Arcanist Thalyssra says: Elisande and the Legion will pay for the blood they have spilled. They still have much to answer for!



Killing mobs that have civilians at their mercy will also give a little extra progress for freeing the civilians.


  1. N [45] Insurrection (optional)
  2. N [45] One Day at a Time
  3. N [45] Silence in the City
  4. N [45] Crackdown
  5. N [45] Answering Aggression & N [45] No Reason to Stay
  6. N [45] Regroup
  7. N [45] The Way Back Home
  8. N [45] Visitor in Shal'Aran

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