Back to Him

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KyrianBack to Him
Start Forgelite Sophone
End Dactylis
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Path of Ascension
Rewards Inv polearm 2h bastion d 02.png Trial: Athanos
25g 74s
Previous N [60] Humble Beginnings


Block Athanos' Power Stomp 6 times, then capture his memory.


Even with Humility's Guard in hand, if you are to convince Athanos to join the Path of Ascension once more then you must prove yourself a worthy adversary.

Enter the ring and wield the spear against him. Even with its power you cannot hope to defeat him, but it should be able to parry his mighty stomp.

Thwart his assault for long enough, and he will surely allow you to capture his memory.


You will learn: Inv polearm 2h bastion d 02.png Trial: Athanos

You will receive:

  • 25g 74s


This is no simple task.


<Dactylis' face expresses what appears to be surprise.>

You actually did it? Very well! A most worthy opponent indeed.


Upon accept
Forgelite Sophone says: The spear is tremendously heavy--you will only be able to lift it for a brief moment. Timing is key!

The player has the Goliath Challenger debuff, and The Humility's Guard extra action button appears. Use it when Athanos is near finishing casting Power Stomp.

Athanos says: Initiating humility sequence.
6 times blocked
Athanos says: You have improved, <name>. My memory is yours.

At this point, use the Soul Mirror on it.

Fellow aspirants, bear witness to <name>, who has stood against the mighty Athanos!
Forgelite Sophone says: What a marvelous display! I knew from the moment I met you that you would do great things.


  1. N [60] Athanos
  2. N [60] Humble Beginnings
  3. N [60] Back to Him

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