Azshara quests/Orgrimmar Rear Gate

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At the rear gates of Orgrimmar Horde players restore the nearby shredders to working order and successfully repel an Alliance invasion force from taking the rear gate.

Optional breadcrumbs: H [5-30] Warchief's Command: Azshara! / H [5-30] Beyond Durotar / H IconSmall Goblin Male.gifIconSmall Goblin Female.gif [5-30] Report to the Labor Captain

Grabbit Quest Line:

  1. H [5-30] Runaway Shredder!
  2. H [5-30] The Captain's Logs
  3. H [5-30] Up a Tree
  4. H [5-30] Defend the Gates!
  5. H [5-30] Arborcide

Bloodfist Quest Line:

  1. H [5-30] The Eyes of Ashenvale
  2. H [5-30] Return of the Highborne?
  3. H [5-30] Return of the Highborne?

After H [5-30] Arborcide, Grabbit sends players to the Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange in H [5-30] Report to Horzak.