Azeroth Daily

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Azeroth Daily
URL Blue Plz!
Type Podcast
Registration Free
Launched December 8, 2010 (Retired May 25, 2011)
Maintained by John “TotalBiscuit” Bain

Azeroth Daily is a daily video podcast with the latest World of Warcraft news and more, done by TotalBiscuit. As of May 25th 2011 TotalBiscuit has ended the one season show because he quit World of Warcraft indefinitely. He still does "The Mailbox" segment daily, but to more games and it lasts longer.


Daily sections

  • News
  • The Daily Blues
  • The Daily Grind
  • The Mailbox

Weekly sections

  • The Court of Lore
  • Mod your WoW
  • Postcards from Azeroth
  • Machinamonday
  • Archievement Hog

External links