Automatic Alchemist

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This article contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Alchemy, while an interesting science, has its fair share of tedium. Gnomes, goblins and other races have discovered that making shortcuts in alchemy can often lead to dangerous results, especially when trying to balance a delicate formula or mix a special combination of ingredients. An inventor designed the automatic alchemist to eliminate the need for alchemical practitioners to perform boring or repetitive tasks. This dwarf-sized metal dome contains advanced apparatus for running alchemical tests, mixing reagents and performing formulaic balancing. Manufacture of acid, alchemist's fire and other alchemical items is possible as long as the vat in the device has the necessary raw materials. A special series of bins in the automatic alchemist holds containers for necessary ingredients that allow it to make up to six of any alchemical item before requiring more supplies. Specific cogs contain alchemical recipes that are available from gnomish alchemists.[1]


  1. ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 171