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Image of Aurore
Title <Matron of House Astravar>
Gender Female
Race Nightborne (Humanoid)
Level 45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House Astravar
Location The Gilded Market, Suramar
Status Alive
Relative(s) Ailen (son)

Aurore Astravar is a nightborne located at the The Gilded Market in Suramar City's elite district. Aurore is a close and personal friend of Ly'leth, as well as the head of the Astravar house of nobility. Adventurers garner her support for Ly'leth's rise to the open advisor position on Elisande's council by rescuing her son, Ailen.



Thinly Veiled Threats
  • Curse these tricks. What have they done with my son?
  • He should have returned by now.
  • Oh Ailen... you are too young to be involved in this.
  • What are they doing to my boy?
  • Where could they have taken him?
  • Where is he? Where is my Ailen?

Patch changes

External links