At a Moment's Notice

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KyrianAt a Moment's Notice
Start Khamsius
End Khamsius
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Covenant Sanctum
Experience 1,000
Rewards 2g 57s 40c
Previous N [60] Step of Faith


Use the Eternal Gateway to travel somewhere in Bastion, then use the Anima Gateway to return to Elysian Hold.

  • Travel using the Eternal Gateway
  • Take an Anima Gateway to Elysian Hold


No longer must you take a larion across Bastion, Maw Walker.

With our gateways active once more, you shall enjoy instantaneous travel wherever you are needed.

Do note that you must still utilize a larion to return to Oribos or travel to the other realms.

Give it a try and see for yourself.


You will receive:

  • 2g 57s 40c
  • 1,000 XP


It really is amazing, is it not?


In time we may open new destinations for our gateways. Haephus can direct you further.


  1. N [60] Step of Faith
  2. N [60] At a Moment's Notice

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