Ashes to Ashes (Stonetalon Mountains)

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For other uses, see Ashes to Ashes (disambiguation).
HordeAshes to Ashes
Start Overlord Krom'gar
End Overlord Krom'gar
Level 10-30
Category Stonetalon Mountains
Experience 2,150
Reputation +250 Orgrimmar
Rewards  [Flamethrower's Gloves]
or  [Vest of Ashes]
or  [Overlord's Favor]
or  [Tunic of Ashes]
Previous H [10-30] Krom'gar Fortress
Next H [10-30] Report to Bombgutz


Use the Krom'gar Flamethrower to destroy 8 Northwatch Tents.


The Alliance have grown bold. Just west of here, in Windshear Valley, Northwatch troops have set up camp. No doubt they are preparing for the assault you warned us of, <name>. They will never get the chance!

Take this flame thrower. It is the same flame thrower my incinerators use to burn our enemies out of hiding in the forests. Use it to destroy the Northwatch tents. Leave only ashes in your wake!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv gauntlets 13.png [Flamethrower's Gloves] Inv chest cloth 06.png [Vest of Ashes]
Inv jewelry necklace 23.png [Overlord's Favor] Inv chest cloth 06.png [Tunic of Ashes]

You will also receive:


Burn them to the ground!


Lok'tar! Alliance pigs!

<Overlord Krom'gar spits on the ground.>

Enjoy the victory for it shall be short lived. Your bravery has given us more time to prepare, nothing more.


The quest H [10-30] Enemy of the Horde: Marshal Paltrow can be easily done alongside this quest.

You must wait for the full cast time of the flamethrowers, or you will not get credit.


  1. H [10-30] Krom'gar Fortress
  2. H [10-30] Ashes to Ashes
  3. H [10-30] Report to Bombgutz
  4. H [10-30] Where Are the Parts?
  5. H [10-30] I Got Your Parts Right Here... / H [10-30] Between a Rock and a Hard Place / H [10-30] And That's Why They Call Them Peons...
  6. H [10-30] Spare Parts Up In Here!
  7. H [10-30] In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress
  8. H [10-30] Eyes and Ears: Malaka'jin (To Malaka'jin)

Daily Quest: H [10-30 Daily] Seek and Destroy

Patch changes

External links