Archmage Slippers

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Random enchantments

Item Suffix Stats Bonus
of Shadow Protection +41 Stamina, +27 Shadow Resistance
of the Owl +27 Intellect, +27 Spirit
of Spirit +41 Spirit
of the Invoker +21 Spell Critical Strike Rating, +25 Spell Damage and Healing, +21 Intellect
of Frost Protection +41 Stamina, +27 Frost Resistance
of Shadow Wrath +58 Shadow Damage
of Arcane Protection +41 Stamina, +27 Arcane Resistance
of Nature Protection +41 Stamina, +27 Nature Resistance
of Fire Protection +41 Stamina, +27 Fire Resistance
of Arcane Wrath +58 Arcane Damage
of the Sorcerer +32 Stamina, +25 Spell Damage and Healing, +21 Intellect
of Fiery Wrath +58 Fire Damage
of the Eagle +27 Intellect, +41 Stamina
of Stamina +61 Stamina
of Healing +90 Healing
of the Prophet +47 Healing, +21 Spirit, +21 Intellect
of Frozen Wrath +58 Frost Damage
of the Physician +32 Stamina, +21 Intellect, +47 Healing
of the Whale +41 Stamina, +27 Spirit
of Intellect +41 Intellect


This item can be looted from most level 63-73 Demon, and Humanoid monsters.

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