Arcane Momentum

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Arcane Momentum
Spell arcane blink.png
  • Arcane Momentum
  • Mage ability
  • Passive
  • Your Blink spell teleports you in the direction you are moving instead of the direction you are facing.
Class Mage
Other information
Affects [Blink]

Arcane Momentum is a passive mage ability that allows the mage to [Blink] in the direction they are moving instead of the direction they are facing.

It is learned from any mage trainer by using the following conversation option:

Gossip I want to talk about the Arcane Momentum technique.

Arcane Momentum is a technique that allows a mage to dictate the direction of their Blink spell rather than the basic technique of Blinking in the direction you are facing.

Gossip I would like to learn the Arcane Momentum technique and be able to Blink in the direction I am moving.

When learned

Gossip I would like to unlearn Arcane Momentum and Blink the direction I am facing.

Patch changes

External links