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Ansel's Lucky Violin (quest)

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VenthyrAnsel's Lucky Violin
Start Lucky Ansel
End Lucky Ansel
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court



You will learn: Exciting (Raises the Excitement level of your court.)


<Lucky Ansel reluctantly breaks gaze with his sinstone.>

My burdens are still far too heavy.

I will never be free of the Maw's dangers while even a single sin remains on this stone.

Luckily, my exceptional music warrants praise from my venthyr controllers, and I am assured that aiding Prince Renathal's court is a worthwhile endeavor.

Retrieve my violin from the band supplies over near the dancers and I will begin my public penance.


<Ansel turns his violin as it sparkles in the light.>

Let the show begin.





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External links