Another Maw to Feed

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HordeAnother Maw to Feed
Start Griff
End Griff
Level 30-35
Type Daily
Category Twilight Highlands
Experience 55,200
Reputation +250 Dragonmaw Clan
Rewards 9g (13g 15s 50c at 85)


Gather 10 Wildhammer Food Stores from the Thundermar Ruins.


<Griff's stomach growls.>

Still hungry. It's like ... every day, I'm hungry.

I hear there's more food stashed up in the Thundermar Ruins across the river to the north, where all the fighting is. Bring some to my mouth.


You will receive: 9g (13g 15s 50c at 85)


<Griff licks his lips.>


<Griff greedily snatches the heap of food, enough to feed dozens of men.>

Great! This'll tide me over for ... hours!

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