Animal Services

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HordeAnimal Services
Start Grol'dom Kodo
End Grol'dom Kodo
Level 5-30
Category Northern Barrens
Experience 740
Rewards 5s 65c
Previous H [5-30] Grol'dom's Missing Kodo
Next H [5-30] The Kodo's Return


Gather 5 sacks of Stolen Grain from the Razormane camps on Thorn Hill.


Kodos are resilient creatures. With some food, the big guy may come around.

The Razormane have stolen plenty of grain from previous caravans. You can gather up stolen grain from the nearby camps.


You will receive:

  • 5s 65c
  • 740 XP


The creature doesn't lift its head, but looks at you imploringly with large, watery eyes.


The Kodo is voracious! You might as well be pouring those sacks of grain into a hole!

Already the animal is beginning to perk up.


Complete the quest and the kodo returns to the farm.

Grol'dom Kodo says: Nom nom nom nom nom...
The revitalized kodo rises to its feet, shaking off the dust.


  1. H [5-30] Drag it Out of Them
  2. H [5-30] By Hook Or By Crook
  3. H [5-30] The Tortusk Takedown
    1. H [5-30] Grol'dom's Missing Kodo
    2. H [5-30] Animal Services
    3. H [5-30] The Kodo's Return
  4. To the Crossroads: H [5-30] Crossroads Caravan Delivery

Patch changes

External links