Amateur Hunters

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For the generic NPCs found in the same area, see Amateur Hunter.
The Amateur Hunters cornering their "prey"

The Amateur HuntersDargok Thunderuin, Ryael Dawndrifter and "Sure-Shot" Arnie — form a vignette in a cave in Pinerock Basin in Highmountain. [43.4, 47.4] The three hunters have cornered a shapeshifted tauren druid named Mara Swiftmane in the belief that she is a lion whose severed head will grant them entry into Trueshot Lodge. Defeating all three of the hunters will cause Mara to shift back into a tauren and thank the player before running out and despawning, while a Battered Chest appears in the back of the cave. The chest contains 65 [Order Resources], and, if the player is a plate class,  [Plate Hiking Boots]. It also has a chance to contain  [Valiant's Glory].

Tracking quest

To check whether the hunters have been defeated, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(40413))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, the hunters have been defeated; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links