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Image of Alius
Gender Male
Race Draenei
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Unnamed wife, Leena (daughter)
WoW Comic logo.png
This article contains lore taken from the Warcraft manga or comics.

Alius was the father of Leena. During the war between the orcs and draenei, Alius, his wife and daughter Leena had to once hide before orcs in a cavern. As he was persuading them to leave him, an orc entered the cave. While his wife and daughter escaped, Alius attacked the orc only to be surprised by the orc's reaction. The orc, Jaruk Bloodfyre did not want to attack him and gave his axe to him. However, in the following seconds, a spear thrown by J'argg Bloodfyre pierced Alius' chest. J'argg then went to follow Alius' wife. Alius wanted from Jaruk to help his family but Jaruk responded that the only thing he could do was to quickly ease his pain.[1]
