Aiding Revendreth (Venthyr)

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For other versions, see Aiding Revendreth.
VenthyrAiding Revendreth
Start Rendle
End Rendle
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Calling Quest
Category Venthyr Callings
Reputation +1500 Court of Harvesters
Rewards  [Tribute of the Court]
 [Emblem of Renown]
35x [Valor]


Complete 3 World Quests in Revendreth.


Oi there, got somethin' for you to do today.

Lots of problems outside of Sinfall, there are. Big problems, little problems, all sorts of problems.

We're not gonna make much headway against Denathrius with this lot at our heels all the time, ay?

Get out there an' get some muck on your boots.


You will receive:

You will receive:
Item revendreth paragonchest 01.png [Tribute of the Court] Inv misc covenant renown.png [Emblem of Renown]
Pvecurrency-valor.png 35x [Valor]


What do ya want?


Ya did a good thing today, an' we're safer for it. Never been one to give a compliment, me, but today I gotta say ya did a good one.

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