Aiding Ardenweald (Kyrian)

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For the other versions, see Aiding Ardenweald.
KyrianAiding Ardenweald
Start Hermestes
End Hermestes
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Calling Quest
Category Kyrian Callings
Reputation +1,500 The Wild Hunt
Rewards  [Bounty of the Grove Wardens]
 [Emblem of Renown]
35x [Valor]


Complete 3 World Quests in Ardenweald.


Ardenweald has long been one of our closest companions in the shepherding and nurturing of souls. Now they are beset by many foes, and we will not allow them to fall!

Make haste to their forested lands, and with the blessing of the Archon upon you, serve a glorious purpose. Stand with them in their time of need, a gilded shield, a reminder that they are not alone!

Bastion stands with them, and with us, they will never falter!


You will receive:

You will receive:
Item ardenweald paragonchest 02.png [Bounty of the Grove Wardens] Inv misc covenant renown.png [Emblem of Renown]
Pvecurrency-valor.png 35x [Valor]


Have you served in Ardenweald today?


Today we are blessed that the Maw Walker has brought our divine purpose to Ardenweald! Our allies rejoice in your victories!

Patch changes

External links