Against the Legion (beta)

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For the live Shadowmoon Valley quest, see N [25-30] Against the Legion.
AldorAgainst the Legion
Start Exarch Orelis
End Exarch Orelis
Level 70 (Requires 67)
Category Netherstorm
Experience 13,530
Reputation +350 The Aldor


Exarch Orelis at Area 52 wants you to go to Forge Base: Oblivion and Forge Base: Gehenna and slay 12 Gan'arg Forgehands, 6 Mo'arg Forgelords and 6 Wrathbringers.

Performing quests for the Aldor will cause your Scryers reputation to decrease.


We've established that the Burning Legion has been providing Kael'thas with technological assistance, magnifying his threat many times over.

Based on the Legion's numbers in the region, the largest impact we can make on our enemy's alliance is through a head-on attack on the forge bases to the north.

Go to Forge Base: Oblivion and Forge Base: Gehenna and destroy our enemies. May the Light guide your blade, <name>.


You've dealt a mighty blow to the enemies of the Light, <name>. You have my thanks as well as that of the Aldor.


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External links