A Worthy Brew

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NeutralA Worthy Brew
Start Ella
End Ella
Level 15-35
Category Valley of the Four Winds
Experience 236,000 XP
Rewards 19g 84s 50c


Ask Chen Stormstout to taste Ella's Brew.


There's one final person who needs to taste my brew.

I've heard that he's traveled far and wide, and tasted drinks from all over the world.

He happens to be in town, and I'd like to know what he thinks of my skills.


You aren't pulling my leg are ya, <name>? If he really said that, well... I guess... I guess it means I can do it, after all!

Thank you, <name>. You've really helped me gain confidence in myself.


You will receive:

  • 19g 84s 50c
  • 236,000 XP
  • +5,000 reputation with Ella

Patch changes

External links