A Taste of Tirna Noch

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Night FaeA Taste of Tirna Noch
Start Marasmius
End Marasmius
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Daily
Category Ardenweald
Experience 9,450
Reputation +350 Marasmius
Rewards 25g 74s


Collect 6 Leafy Loam in Tirna Noch.


I'm a simple mushroom with simple pleasures, <name>. And what's simpler than a nice, hearty meal?

Don't look so surprised. I need to eat just like anyone else! How else do you think I grew so big? Nice, tasty compost, that's how!

Back in my day, I had the pick of Ardenweald for where to feed. Now, not so much.

I've had a hankering for some of the loam that used to be around Tirna Noch. I haven't had shoots out there in a long time. Could you bring me some?


You will receive:


Tirna Noch is a beautiful tree located east of Hibernal Hollow. You can't miss it.


Mmmm, it smells just like how I remember it! Maybe a little stale, but you won't hear me complaining about a job well done!

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