A Sundered Tribe

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NeutralA Sundered Tribe
Start Mayla Highmountain
End Mayla Highmountain
Level 100 (Requires 98)
Category Highmountain
Experience 15,050
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous N [10-45] Wrathshard
N [10-45] No Time to Talk
Next N [10-45] The Rivermane Tribe, N [10-45] The Skyhorn Tribe, N [10-45] The Bloodtotem Tribe


Speak with the Rivermane, Bloodtotem, and Skyhorn chieftains.


Dargrul didn't just take the Hammer of Khaz'goroth. He slew the High Chieftain -- my father -- to get it.

There are some who claim our tribe died with my father, and they have gone their separate ways.

But now that you are here, with the <artifact> in your hand, you might convince them to return or at least send reinforcements.

Can you speak with the representatives of the three tribes?


You will receive: 15g 40s (at level 100)


Any luck with the tribes? Will they send reinforcements?


I was afraid that would be their answer.

In better days I would be able to travel to each tribe and bring aid myself.

But my attention is needed here in the defense of our stronghold.


  • 15,050 XP (at level 100)


Jale Rivermane:

Jale Rivermane says: It is with a heavy heart I must decline. The drogbar assault my lands. I am here to ask for aid and yet Mayla has none to give.

Lasan Skyhorn:

Lasan Skyhorn says: Thanks to the failure of Highmountain, the harpies have become emboldened and assault my people. The Skyhorn cannot fight a battle on two fronts.

Torok Bloodtotem:

Torok Bloodtotem says: Ha! Highmountain cannot even defend its own chieftain and you would have us join them? The Bloodtotem honor strength, not victims.


  1. N [10-45] Get to High Ground
  2. N [100] The New Chieftain
  3. Complete both of:
  4. N [100] A Sundered Tribe

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