A Steak Fit for a Hunter

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NeutralA Steak Fit for a Hunter
Start Korg the Cleaver
End Korg the Cleaver
Level 20-30
Category Sholazar Basin
Experience 21150
Rewards 6g 20s

The quests N [20-30] Dreadsaber Mastery: Becoming a Predator and N [20-30] Rhino Mastery: The Test are prerequisites for this quest.


Bring 5 Longneck Grazer Steaks to Korg the Cleaver at the Nesingwary Base Camp.


Sometimes, there's nothing worse than a camp full of hunters. They're all so busy taking down prey animals that the only meat I get is tough and stringy. That's hardly the kind of thing you want to come home to after a long day on the hunt.

Lucky for us, though, there is a source of tender, succulent meat nearby. To the south of the river and the camp live longneck grazers. They're a perfect source of meat for our hungry hunters. Bring me back the best cuts of meat and we'll properly toast our comrades.


You will receive: 6g 20s


Did you get those steaks?


Now that's a meal! If anything good came of the shipwreck, it's got to be that we've been spared eating nothing but salt beef for the next month! Thank you again, <name>.

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