A Present for Teacher

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NeutralA Present for Teacher
Start Nomi
End Nomi
Level 10-35
Category The Halfhill Market
Experience 20,540
Reputation +1000 Nomi
Rewards  [Apron], Cooking reagent
34g 20s
Previous N [10-35 Daily] Lesson 5: Pounded Rice Cake
Next N [10-35 Daily] A Token of Appreciation

A Present for Teacher becomes available at 50,400 reputation, when Nomi is now recognized as an Expert cook thanks to your tutelage! The fifth lesson will no longer be available at this point. Instead, after completing this one-time quest, N [10-35 Daily] A Token of Appreciation will unlock.


Receive Nomi's gift.


I'm all caught up with the other kids now, even though I started very late. Now I can join the regular classes!

I made you an apron to show you how much I appreciate all you've done for me. I hope you like it?


You will be able to choose one of the following items:
Inv misc food vendor soysauce.png 5x [100 Year Soy Sauce] Inv misc bag 10 black.png 5x [Rice Flour]
Inv misc food vendor blackpepper.png 5x [Black Pepper]

You will also receive: 34g 20s

Inv shirt guildtabard 01.png [Apron]


Thank you so much.



  1. N [10-35 Daily] Lesson 1: Sliced Peaches
  2. N [10-35 Daily] Lesson 2: Instant Noodles
  3. N [10-35 Daily] Lesson 3: Toasted Fish Jerky
  4. N [10-35 Daily] Lesson 4: Dried Needle Mushrooms
  5. N [10-35 Daily] Lesson 5: Pounded Rice Cake
  6. N [10-35] A Present for Teacher
  7. N [10-35 Daily] A Token of Appreciation

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