A Lesson in Teamwork

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NeutralA Lesson in Teamwork
Start Gazmolf Futzwangler
End Gazmolf Futzwangler
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 14,800
Reputation +250 Steamwheedle Preservation Society
Rewards  [Excavated Highmaul Knicknack]
or  [Excavated Highmaul Thingamabob]
or  [Excavated Highmaul Doohickey]
14g 60s


Retrieve 10 Mysterious Artifacts.


One of the most important skills an archaeology team needs is good teamwork. The key to teamwork is knowing when to give and when to take.

The Highmaul ogres have been excavating mysterious artifacts from the gorge. I want you to team up with the Highmaul ogres in the name of good archaeology!

Remember what I said about giving and taking? The ogres have given us their hard work to excavate the artifacts. Now I want you to take those artifacts from them and bring them here!

It's teamwork!


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv jewelry talisman 16.png [Excavated Highmaul Knicknack] Inv qirajidol rebirth.png [Excavated Highmaul Thingamabob]
Inv qirajidol life.png [Excavated Highmaul Doohickey]

You will also receive:


Have you retrieved the mysterious artifacts? It's all about teamwork!


You did a great job, kid!

I hope you learned something about teamwork today. Here's your cut, minus my teaching fee... the Steamwheedle Preservation Society service charge... and gratuity of course!

Patch changes

External links