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Sets how the result of a /who request will be delivered.



boolean = false - If true the results will always be delivered as a WHO_LIST_UPDATE event and displayed in the FriendsFrame. If false the results may be returned as a sequence of CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM events (up to 3 results) or a WHO_LIST_UPDATE event (4+ results).


  • The /who query is subject to a server-side throttle; throttled requests are silently dropped.
  • This setting does not persist between relog/reload.
  • The FriendsFrame will automatically display open to display the results when the WHO_LIST_UPDATE event is triggered. You may hide the frame using HideUIPanel(FriendsFrame) (protected during combat lockdown), or temporarily unregister it from WHO_LIST_UPDATE to prevent this behavior if your addon relies on performing /who queries in the background.

Patch changes

Battle for Azeroth Patch 8.1.0 (2018-12-11): Moved to C_FriendList.SetWhoToUi() ⚠️ Note the lowercase i at the end.
WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.0.0 (2004-10-08): Added as SetWhoToUI()