BOSS - Xaxion Drak'eem

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Souls choose the bodies of ancient heroes.
Xaxion Drak'eem
Image of Xaxion Drak'eem
Gender Male
Race Annihilan
Class Pit Lord
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Status Killable
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Xaxion Drak'eem the ShadowLord was a powerful being who controlled a dungeon full of creatures known as "The Soulless" in the official Blizzard Entertainment scenario map for Warcraft III called WarChasers. He employed powerful monsters: the Kathuulon and Ra'Adoom. He made the mistake of capturing the souls of ancient heroes who eventually killed him, liberating their souls in the process.


"So you dare challenge the ShadowLord? I will feast on your lost souls and show you no mercy!! Come and accept your fate!"

Level 10 Xaxion Drak'eem Statistics in Warcraft III

PASBTNMagicImmunity.png BTNThunderClap.png PASBTNReincarnation.png BTNEarthquake.png
Spell Immunity Thunder Clap Reincarnation Earthquake
Xaxion Drak'eem abilities in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

Xaxion Drak'eem is a Reign of Chaos Pit Lord.

  • 5675 HP (+272% more than a regular Reign of Chaos Pit Lord)
  • 1570 MP (+175% more than a regular Reign of Chaos Pit Lord)
  • 72-79 piercing melee damage (+2% more than a regular Reign of Chaos Pit Lord)
  • 6 hero armor (same a regular Reign of Chaos Pit Lord)
  • Attributes
    • 57 Strength (same a regular Reign of Chaos Pit Lord)
    • 26 Agility (same a regular Reign of Chaos Pit Lord)
    • 38 Intelligence (same a regular Reign of Chaos Pit Lord)
  • Warrior Abilities
    • Spell Immunity
    • Thunder Clap (AoE around caster and slows units)
    • Reincarnation (revives Xaxion Drak'eem)
    • Earthquake (ranged AoE damage on buildings and slows units)