User:Zeal/Sandbox/Item:Axe of Brox

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This item looks rather simple, but the stats are nice.


This is a fake item that i am using to test out new item related templates and categories.



This item has only ever been seen in the hand's of GMs, taunting us with it like they have with so many other weapons.


The status of the item is currently unknown, It hasn't been seen for quite some time.


It will likely have a stat change and be added as a quest reward on release of a patch or expansion.


  • 17:38, 27 December 2006 (EST) - First and only sighting of this item.



This item is the axe Broxigar used is the War of the Ancients trilogy of novels. It was crafted for him by Cenarius, after his own axe shattered. He used this axe to attack Sargeras. Though this did not signifcantly damage Sargeras, Broxigar succeeded in creating a focus point for the spell work to stop Sargeras, but at the cost of his own life.

Krasus returned to current time after the events, and gave Thrall the axe, telling him of Broxigar's bravery and death.


We don't know what became of the axe after this time, or have many clues as to where it may reside. Many speculate that it is now in the hands of Broxigar's brother, Saurfang, High Overlord of the Horde.


No one has any idea how this item may be implemented into the game in the future regarding lore.