
From Warcraft Wiki
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Captioned box containing item icons, links, quantity and cost (ideal for ingredient / reagent / vendor lists and quest rewards). Maximum 30 items per box. For more than 30, regular tables should probably be used instead; using multiple itemboxes can quickly put a page in Category:Pages with too many expensive parser function calls.


(optional) Caption of the item box.
Item number n. Icon and quality are shown automatically.
Quantity of item n. Defaults to show nothing.
Limited quantity of vendor item n. Defaults to show nothing.
Stack number of vendor item n. Alias of qn. Defaults to show nothing.
Cost of item n. Use together with {{cost}}. Defaults to show nothing.


Common uses

{{itembox|caption=Requires Enchanting (275) and
|item1=Adamantite Rod|q1=1
|item2=Greater Planar Essence|q2=8
|item3=Adamantite Rod|q3=1}}
Requires Enchanting (275) and
Inv rod adamantite.png 1x [Adamantite Rod] Inv enchant essencearcanelarge.png 8x [Greater Planar Essence]
Inv rod adamantite.png 1x [Adamantite Rod]

{{itembox|caption=Vendor sells this stuff:
|item1=Adamantite Rod|c1={{cost|5}}
|item2=Greater Planar Essence|c2={{cost||50}}}}
Vendor sells this stuff:
Inv rod adamantite.png [Adamantite Rod]
Inv enchant essencearcanelarge.png [Greater Planar Essence]

{{itembox|You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
|Borean Smasher
|Axe of Frozen Death
|Staff of the Purposeful Mendicant
|Fury of the Raging Dragon
|Fang of the Desolate Soul
|Tower of the Infinite Mind}}
You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv weapon hand 18.png [Borean Smasher] Inv axe 83.png [Axe of Frozen Death]
Inv staff 50.png [Staff of the Purposeful Mendicant] Inv weapon rifle 27.png [Fury of the Raging Dragon]
Inv weapon shortblade 67.png [Fang of the Desolate Soul] Inv staff 50.png [Tower of the Infinite Mind]
{{itembox|You will receive one of these rewards:
|Talador Sentinel Gauntlets|c1={{ClassIcon|Druid}}{{ClassIcon|Monk}}{{ClassIcon|Rogue}}
|Sha'tari Keeper Gauntlets|c2={{ClassIcon|Death knight}}{{ClassIcon|Paladin}}{{ClassIcon|Warrior}}
|Auchenai Keeper Handwraps|c3={{ClassIcon|Mage}}{{ClassIcon|Priest}}{{ClassIcon|Warlock}}
|Sha'tari Deadeye Mitts|c4={{ClassIcon|Hunter}}{{ClassIcon|Shaman}}}}
You will receive one of these rewards:
Inv glove leather draenorquest90 b 01.png [Talador Sentinel Gauntlets]
Inv plate draenorquest90 b 01glove.png [Sha'tari Keeper Gauntlets]
Death knightPaladinWarrior
Inv glove cloth draenorquest90 b 01.png [Auchenai Keeper Handwraps]
Inv mail draenorquest90 b 01glove.png [Sha'tari Deadeye Mitts]

{{Itembox|Limited Quantity
|Pattern: Green Whelp Bracers|c1={{Cost||22|40}}|lq1=1
Limited Quantity
Inv scroll 03.png (1) [Pattern: Green Whelp Bracers]
22s 40c

{{Itembox|Stack Size
|Pattern: Green Whelp Bracers|c1={{Cost||22|40}}|s1=5
Stack Size
Inv scroll 03.png 5x [Pattern: Green Whelp Bracers]
22s 40c

{{Itembox|Limited Quantity + Stack Size
|Pattern: Green Whelp Bracers|c1={{Cost||22|40}}|lq1=1|s1=5
Limited Quantity + Stack Size
Inv scroll 03.png (1) 5x [Pattern: Green Whelp Bracers]
22s 40c

No caption

|item1=Snowfall Lager|c1={{costitem|2|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item2=Drakefire Chile Ale|c2={{costitem|2|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item3=Airy Pale Ale|c3={{costitem|10|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item4=Worg Tooth Oatmeal Stout|c4={{costitem|10|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item5=Iron Boot Flask|c5={{costitem|10|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item1=Snowfall Lager|c1={{costitem|2|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item2=Drakefire Chile Ale|c2={{costitem|2|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item3=Airy Pale Ale|c3={{costitem|10|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item4=Worg Tooth Oatmeal Stout|c4={{costitem|10|Relic of Ulduar}}
|item5=Iron Boot Flask|c5={{costitem|10|Relic of Ulduar}}

...will both result in:

Inv drink 05.png [Snowfall Lager]
2 Relic of Ulduar
Inv drink 03.png [Drakefire Chile Ale]
2 Relic of Ulduar
Inv drink 08.png [Airy Pale Ale]
10 Relic of Ulduar
Inv drink 13.png [Worg Tooth Oatmeal Stout]
10 Relic of Ulduar
Inv drink 01.png [Iron Boot Flask]
10 Relic of Ulduar