Climbing Tree

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Climbing Tree

Many of the trees in Whistling Grove are Climbing Trees. Bear cubs escaping the nearby fires climbed these trees, and Keeper Taldros asks you to rescue them. To do that, you need to climb (one of) the trees yourself.

The trees use the vehicle interface.


  • 1 - Misc arrowlup.png Climb Up 100 yd yd range — Climb higher up the tree. not available at top of tree (2 sec cooldown)
  • 2 - Misc arrowdown.png Climb Down 100 yd yd range — Climb down the tree. use at bottom of tree to leave tree (2 sec cooldown)
  • 4 - Inv misc bearcubbrown.png Chuck-a-bear 70 yd yd range — Hurl a bear cub from the tree. Aim for the target so it doesn't get hurt! only available at top of tree (1.5 sec cooldown)


Bear chucking.jpg
  1. "Mount" the tree to start climbing.
  2. Climb up until you are near a bear cub.
  3. Click on a bear cub to pick it up.
  4. Climb to top of tree
  5. Aim at the trampoline (if you want the bear cub to survive).
  6. Chuck the bear
  7. Climb back down to where you can click on a bear cub, and repeat the steps until you have saved enough bear cubs.

The aiming point does not move from where you leave it. Once you have moved it to the trampoline, it will remain there while you climb down, fetch the next cub, and return.

The squirming bear cubs can only be chucked from the top of the tree.


When 'mounted', the tree is described as "X's minion".

Patch changes

External links