Brood Pit

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The Brood Pit.

The Brood Pit is the final section of the Azjol-Nerub dungeon, located at the bottom of the drop through the Passage of Lost Fiends. It consists of two distinct areas: a lush cave centered around a small pool housing many nerubian eggs waiting to hatch, followed by a ruined palace[1] housing Anub'arak, the final boss of the dungeon. After Anub'arak's defeat, Reclaimer A'zak and their Azjol-anak Warriors move in and take control of the palace. A second Passage of Lost Fiends leads from the eastern end of the Brood Pit to the dungeon's exit portal.


Patch changes


  1. ^ Exploring Azeroth: Northrend, pg. 75: "When [Anub'arak] was finally killed in his ruined palace by adventurers ..."