Server:Ragnaros Europe/Guild Progression

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This article is a guild progression information page for the Ragnaros Europe realm (server).

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. This page includes a list of guilds that have accomplished a particular task (usually by defeating a major boss). The list should not be taken to be 100% accurate, as it only contains data that has been submitted/added by users of the community. Thus, if you have information you can add, and contribute to the list, it will become more complete.

TBC PvE raiding progress - Ragnaros Europe (PvP)

Black Temple

   * Illidan Stormrage
           [A] Amicitia 2007/11/20
           [A] Elemental Gankery 2008/02/05
           [A] Honor and Glory 2008/03/04
           [A] Order of Watchers 2007/11/06
           [H] Genesis 2008/03/11
           [H] Invictus 2008/01/28
           [H] MoX 2007/10/29
   * Illidari Council
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory 
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
   * Mother Shahraz
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
   * Essence of Souls
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
   * Gurtogg Bloodboil
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
   * Teron Gorefiend
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
   * Shade of Akama
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike
   * Supremus
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike
   * High Warlord Najentus
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike

Mount Hyjal

   * Archimonde
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] Syndicate
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike
   * Azgalor
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike
   * Kaz'Rogal
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike
   * Anetheron
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike
   * Rage Winterchill the Blood Lich
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike

Tempest Keep - The Eye

   * Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Voodoo People
   * Al'ar
           [A] Addicts
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Deleatur
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Exsequor
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Nitor
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Vindictive(
           [H] Abunai
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Infinite Cooldown
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Perseverance
           [H] Ros Predator
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Valhall
           [H] Voodoo People
   * High Astromancer Solarian
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Imperium
           [A] Nitor
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Infinite Cooldown
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Perseverance
           [H] Ros Predator
           [H] Sentinel
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Valhall
           [H] Voodoo People
   * Void Reaver
           [A] Addicts
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Deleatur
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Exsequor
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idelwild
           [A] Imperium
           [A] Moralíty
           [A] Nitor
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Vindictive
           [A] The New Dawn
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Abunai
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Infinite Cooldown
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Jotunheim (Nivlheim)
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike
           [H] Oblivion
           [H] Perseverance
           [H] Phaenomenon
           [H] Ros Predator
           [H] Sentinel
           [H] Steadfast
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Valhall
           [H] Voodoo People

Serpentshrine Cavern

   * Lady Vashj
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Abunai
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Sentinel
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Voodoo People
   * Leotheras the Blind
           [A] Addicts
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Imperium
           [A] Nitor
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Abunai
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Infinite Cooldown
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Perseverance
           [H] Ros Predator
           [H] Sentinel
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Voodoo People
   * The Lurker Below
           [A] Addicts
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Exsequor
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Imperium
           [A] Moralíty
           [A] Nitor
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] Remény
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] The New Dawn
           [A] Tranquility
           [A] Vindictive
           [H] Abunai
           [H] Accido
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Infinite Cooldown
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Jotunheim(nivlheim)
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Nightly Strike
           [H] Perseverance
           [H] Ros Predator
           [H] Sentinel
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Unfair
           [H] Valhall
           [H] Voodoo People
   * Fathom-Lord Karathress
           [A] Addicts
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Imperium
           [A] Nitor
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [A] Valhall
           [A] Vindictive
           [H] Abunai
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Infinite Cooldown
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Perseverance
           [H] Sentinel
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Valhall
           [H] Voodoo People
   * Morogrim Tidewalker
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Elemental Gankery
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Imperium
           [A] Nitor
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Abunai
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Perseverance
           [H] Sentinel
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Valhall
           [H] Voodoo People
   * Hydross the Unstable
           [A] Amicitia
           [A] Fatalis
           [A] Cherubim Mortis
           [A] Cynical
           [A] Honor and Glory
           [A] Idlewild
           [A] Imperium
           [A] Nitor
           [A] Order of Watchers
           [A] R O N I N
           [A] Syndicate
           [A] The New Dawn
           [A] Tranquility
           [H] Abunai
           [H] Avenging Wrath
           [H] Enslave
           [H] Genesis
           [H] Infinite Cooldown
           [H] Invictus
           [H] Massacre
           [H] MoX
           [H] Perseverance
           [H] Ros Predator
           [H] Sentinel
           [H] The Everliving
           [H] Valhall
           [H] Voodoo People