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.theme-light {
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	--theme-box-back-background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
	/* be used in multi-layer background, so we can't simpy use background-color */
	--theme-box-background: var(--theme-background-color-alt);
	--theme-background: var(--theme-box-background), var(--theme-box-back-background);
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	--wcw-bg-red: #FFF7F0;

	/* Class color codes, adjusted colors are different from in-game for better contrast on light mode */
	--class-color--deathknight: #C41E3A;
	--class-color--demonhunter: #A330C9;
	--class-color--druid: #CB4F00; /* adjusted */
	--class-color--evoker: #00634C; /*adjusted */
	--class-color--hunter: #608029; /* adjusted */
	--class-color--mage: #08809C; /* adjusted */
	--class-color--monk: #00884F; /* adjusted */
	--class-color--paladin: #C44884; /* adjusted */
	--class-color--priest: #000; /* adjusted */
	--class-color--rogue: #8E7318; /* adjusted */
	--class-color--shaman: #0070DD;
	--class-color--warlock: #7366D6; /* adjusted */
	--class-color--warrior: #9B6C41; /* adjusted */

	/* Text colors */
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	--wow-text-color--bossemote: #897400; /* adjusted */

    /* Quality colors */
	--quality-color--poor: #9D9D9D;
	--quality-color--common: black; /* adjusted */
	--quality-color--uncommon: #27BF13;
	--quality-color--rare: #0070FF;
	--quality-color--epic: #a335ee;
	--quality-color--legendary: #ff8000;
	--quality-color--artifact: #BFA760;
	--quality-color--heirloom: #00CCFF; /* token same as heirloom */
	--quality-color--enchant: #8B6610; /* adjusted */

	/* Reputation colors */
	--rep-color--hated: #ac1d1d;
	--rep-color--hostile: #ac0000;
	--rep-color--unfriendly: #AB4918;
	--rep-color--neutral: #acac00;
	--rep-color--friendly: #00ac00;
    --rep-color--honored: #00AB5B;
	--rep-color--revered: #00AB89;
	--rep-color--exalted: #00acac; /* paragon same as exalted */

	/* Faction colors, see Template:Capital */
	--horde-text-color: #661111;
	--horde-text-color--alt: #661111;
	--horde-background-color: #FFD4CC;
	--neutral-text-color: #444;
	--alliance-text-color: #214DA6;
	--alliance-background-color: #CCE4FF;

	/* Skills */
	--skill-red: #DD2222;
	--skill-orange: #FF8040;
	--skill-yellow: #FDCD00; /* This is a slightly darker yellow so it'll show up in the light skin */
	--skill-green: #40BF40;
	--skill-gray: #808080;

	/* tooltip */
	--tooltip-border-color: #b0b0b0;

	/* Debuffs */
	--debuff-default: #cc0000;
	--debuff-magic: #3399ff;
	--debuff-curse: #9900ff;
	--debuff-disease: #996600;
	--debuff-poison: #009900;

	/* Gem Attributes (Forbidden Reach) */
	--gemattrib-fire: #FF5100;
	--gemattrib-frost: #00D1FF;
	--gemattrib-earth: #FFAB00;
	--gemattrib-nature: #40C040;
	--gemattrib-arcane: #E97DFF;
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	/* Other */
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	--talentlink-color: #4e96f7;
	--achievementlink-color: #CC9900;

	/* API */
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	--wowapi-text-color-alt: #40a590;

/* navbar */
#mw-head {
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/* Main page - WoW Classic logo */
.theme-light .mp-img {
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	background-repeat: no-repeat;
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	background-size: contain;
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.theme-light .mp-img img { opacity: 0; }

/* Class Icons not exactly visible with the white on white */
.theme-light .ClassLink .linkicon img { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 0.05em #000); }

/* Used for images that are not visible on light theme, e.g. [Activision Blizzard] */
.darkbg { background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.12); }

/* Highlight clicked reference in blue to help navigation */
ol.references > li:target { background-color: #ccf; }
sup.reference:target { background-color: #ccf; }

.feature {
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.fpbox .heading,
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