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The term emote means to express an emotion. In MMORPGs, emotes make your character express emotion.

In World of Warcraft, you can make your character "emote" by using predefined slash commands. These commands generate a chat message (typically in a special color) that describes what your character is doing. This chat message is often accompanied by audio and some character action.

For example, using the /thanks command, text displays ("Character thanks target."), an audio file is played (character voice: "Thank you."), and a character animation occurs (character gesticulates).

There are 5 kinds of emotes in World of Warcraft:

  1. Text only
  2. Text + Vocalization
  3. Text + Character Animation
  4. Text + Vocalization + Character Animation
  5. Vocalization + Character Animation

Most emotes have no gameplay effect, but the /lie, /laydown, /sleep, and /sit commands cause the character to assume those positions, from which they must rise to enter combat. In addition, some emotes are involved in achievements or in triggering certain NPC reactions.

Creating your own emotes

You can create your own emotes using the /e or /me slash commands, which will send a message to nearby players starting with your name and ending with the action you type (or anything else you might type). For example, if your name is Thrall, then entering:

/e scrabbles in the dirt.

will cause nearby players to see:

Thrall scrabbles in the dirt.

You can use certain substitution codes in your emotes. For instance, if your command contains %t, the %t will be replaced with the name of your currently selected target when the emote is sent. For instance, if Thrall is targeting a creature called Animal:

/me scrabbles in the dirt, and finds %t's shoe.


Thrall scrabbles in the dirt, and finds Animal's shoe.

Custom emotes will not be understandable by the opposing faction. The following will be the only thing the opposing faction will see:

Thrall makes some strange gestures.

Emote/Action/Spell macros

You can emote and cast spells or summons such as this macro for a warlock:

/e prepares a dark ritual.
/y Come to me, Felhorse!
/cast summon felsteed

Will appear as:

Leaferran prepares a dark ritual.
[Leaferran] yells: Come to me, Felhorse!
Leaferran casts Summon Felsteed

List of emotes

Emote Command Anim Voice No Target Text Targeted Text
/absent You look absent-minded. You look at %s absently.
/agree You agree. You agree with %s.
/amaze You are amazed! You are amazed by %s!
/angry /mad ✔️ You raise your fist in anger. You raise your fist in anger at %s.
/apologize /sorry ✔️ You apologize to everyone. Sorry! You apologize to %s. Sorry!
/applaud /bravo /applause ✔️ ✔️ You applaud. Bravo! You applaud at %s. Bravo!
/arm You stretch your arms out. You put your arm around %s's shoulder.
/attacktarget ✔️ ✔️ You tell everyone to attack something. You tell everyone to attack %s.
/awe You look around in awe. You stare at %s in awe.
/backpack /pack You dig through your backpack.
/badfeeling /bad You have a bad feeling about this... You have a bad feeling about %s.
/bark You bark. Woof woof! You bark at %s.
/bashful ✔️ You are bashful. You are so bashful...too bashful to get %s's attention.
/beckon You beckon everyone over to you. You beckon %s over.
/beg ✔️ ✔️ You beg everyone around you. How pathetic. You beg %s. How pathetic.
/bite You look around for someone to bite. You bite %s. Ouch!
/blame ✔️ You blame yourself for what happened. You blame %s for everything.
/blank You stare blankly at your surroundings. You stare blankly at %s.
/bleed /blood Blood oozes from your wounds.
/blink You blink your eyes. You blink at %s.
/blush ✔️ You blush. You blush at %s.
/boggle ✔️ You boggle at the situation. You boggle at %s.
/bonk /doh You bonk yourself on the noggin. Doh! You bonk %s on the noggin. Doh!
/boop ✔️ You boop your own nose. Boop! You boop %s's nose.
/bored ✔️ You are overcome with boredom. Oh the drudgery! You are terribly bored with %s.
/bounce You bounce up and down. You bounce up and down in front of %s.
/bow ✔️ You bow down graciously. You bow before %s.
/brandish You brandish your weapon fiercely. You brandish your weapon fiercely at %s.
/brb You let everyone know you'll be right back. You let %s know you'll be right back.
/breath You take a deep breath. You tell %s to take a deep breath.
/burp /belch You let out a loud belch. You burp rudely in %s's face.
/bye /goodbye /farewell ✔️ ✔️ You wave goodbye to everyone. Farewell! You wave goodbye to %s. Farewell!
/cackle ✔️ ✔️ You cackle maniacally at the situation. You cackle maniacally at %s.
/calm You remain calm. You try to calm %s down.
/challenge You put out a challenge to everyone. Bring it on! You challenge %s to a duel.
/charge ✔️ ✔️ You start to charge.
/charm You put on the charm. You think %s is charming.
/cheer /woot ✔️ ✔️ You cheer! You cheer at %s.
/chicken /flap /strut ✔️ ✔️ With arms flapping, you strut around. Cluck, Cluck, Chicken! With arms flapping, you strut around %s. Cluck, Cluck, Chicken!
/chuckle ✔️ ✔️ You let out a hearty chuckle. You chuckle at %s.
/chug You take a mighty quaff of your beverage. You encourage %s to chug. CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!
/clap ✔️ You clap excitedly. You clap excitedly for %s.
/cold You let everyone know that you are cold. You let %s know that you are cold.
/comfort You need to be comforted. You comfort %s.
/commend ✔️ You commend everyone on a job well done. You commend %s on a job well done.
/confused ✔️ You are hopelessly confused. You look at %s with a confused look.
/congratulate /congrats /grats ✔️ ✔️ You congratulate everyone around you. You congratulate %s.
/cough You let out a hacking cough. You cough at %s.
/coverears You cover your ears. You cover %s's ears.
/cower /fear ✔️ You cower in fear. You cower in fear at the sight of %s.
/crack /knuckles You crack your knuckles. You crack your knuckles while staring at %s.
/cringe You cringe in fear. You cringe away from %s.
/crossarms You cross your arms. You cross your arms at %s. Hmph!
/cry /sob /weep ✔️ ✔️ You cry. You cry on %s's shoulder.
/cuddle /spoon You need to be cuddled. You cuddle up against %s.
/curious ✔️ You express your curiosity to those around you. You are curious what %s is up to.
/curtsey ✔️ You curtsey. You curtsey before %s.
/dance ✔️ You burst into dance. You dance with %s.
/ding You reached a new level. DING! You congratulate %s on a new level. DING!
/disagree ✔️ You disagree. You disagree with %s.
/threaten /doom /threat /wrath ✔️ You threaten everyone with the wrath of doom. You threaten %s with the wrath of doom.
/doubt ✔️ You doubt the situation will end in your favor. You doubt %s.
/drink /shindig ✔️ ✔️ You raise a drink in the air before chugging it down. Cheers! You raise a drink to %s. Cheers!
/drool A tendril of drool runs down your lip. You look at %s and begin to drool.
/duck You duck for cover. You duck behind %s.
/eat /chew /feast ✔️ ✔️ You begin to eat. You begin to eat in front of %s.
/embarrass You flush with embarrassment. You are embarrassed by %s.
/encourage You encourage everyone around you. You encourage %s.
/enemy You warn everyone that an enemy is near. You warn %s that an enemy is near.
/eye You cross your eyes. You eye %s up and down.
/eyebrow /brow You raise your eyebrow inquisitively. You raise your eyebrow inquisitively at %s.
/facepalm /palm You cover your face with your palm. You look at %s and cover your face with your palm.
/faint You faint. You faint at the sight of %s.
/fart You fart loudly. Whew...what stinks? You brush up against %s and fart loudly.
/fidget /impatient You fidget. You fidget impatiently while waiting for %s.
/flee /retreat ✔️ ✔️ You yell for everyone to flee! You yell for %s to flee!
/flex /strong ✔️ You flex your muscles. Oooooh so strong! You flex at %s. Oooooh so strong!
/flirt ✔️ ✔️ You flirt. You flirt with %s.
/flop You flop about helplessly. You flop about helplessly around %s.
/followme ✔️ ✔️ You motion for everyone to follow. You motion for %s to follow.
/forthealliance ✔️ ✔️ You cheer for the Alliance! You cheer for the Alliance!
/forthehorde ✔️ ✔️ You cheer for the Horde! You cheer for the Horde!
/frown /disappointed You frown. You frown with disappointment at %s.
/gasp ✔️ You gasp. You gasp at %s.
/gaze You gaze off into the distance. You gaze longingly at %s.
/giggle ✔️ ✔️ You giggle. You giggle at %s.
/glare You glare angrily. You glare angrily at %s.
/gloat ✔️ ✔️ You gloat over everyone's misfortune. You gloat over %s's misfortune.
/glower You glower at averyone around you. You glower at %s.
/go You tell everyone to go. You tell %s to go.
/going You must be going. You tell %s that you must be going.
/golfclap ✔️ You clap half-heartedly, clearly unimpressed. You clap for %s, clearly unimpressed.
/greet /greetings ✔️ You greet everyone warmly. You greet %s warmly.
/grin /wicked /wickedly You grin wickedly. You grin wickedly at %s.
/groan You begin to groan.
You begin to groan in pain.
You look at %s and groan.
You look at %s and groan in pain.
/grovel /peon ✔️ You grovel on the ground, wallowing in subservience. You grovel before %s like a subservient peon.
/growl ✔️ You growl menacingly. You growl menacingly at %s.
/guffaw ✔️ ✔️ You let out a boisterous guffaw! You take one look at %s and let out a guffaw!
/hail ✔️ You hail those around you. You hail %s.
/happy /glad /yay You are filled with happiness! You are very happy with %s!
/headache You are getting a headache. You are getting a headache from %s's antics.
/healme ✔️ ✔️ You call out for healing!
/hello /hi ✔️ ✔️ You greet everyone with a hearty hello! You greet %s with a hearty hello!
/helpme ✔️ ✔️ You cry out for help!
/hiccup You hiccup loudly.
/highfive You put up your hand for a high five. You give %s a high five!
/hiss You hiss at everyone around you. You hiss at %s.
/holdhand You wish someone would hold your hand. You hold %s's hand.
/hug You need a hug! You hug %s.
/hungry /food /pizza You are hungry! You are hungry. Maybe %s has some food...
/hurry You try to pick up the pace. You tell %s to hurry up.
/huzzah ✔️ You cheer boisterously! Huzzah! You cheer boisterously for %s! Huzzah!
/idea You have an idea!
/impressed ✔️ You clap vigorously, clearly impressed. You clap vigorously for %s, clearly impressed.
/incoming /inc ✔️ ✔️ You warn everyone of incoming enemies! You point out %s as an incoming enemy!
/insult ✔️ You think everyone around you is a son of a motherless ogre. You think %s is the son of a motherless ogre.
/introduce You introduce yourself to everyone. You introduce yourself to %s.
/jealous You are jealous of everyone around you. You are jealous of %s.
/jk You were just kidding! You let %s know that you were just kidding!
/kiss /blow ✔️ ✔️ You blow a kiss into the wind. You blow a kiss to %s.
/kneel ✔️ You kneel down. You kneel before %s.
/laugh /lol ✔️ ✔️ You laugh. You laugh at %s.
/laydown /liedown /lay /lie ✔️ You lie down. You lie down before %s.
/lick You lick your lips. You lick %s.
/listen You are listening! You listen intently to %s.
/look You look around. You look at %s.
/lost ✔️ You are hopelessly lost. You want %s to know that you are hopelessly lost.
/love You feel the love. You love %s.
/luck You wish everyone good luck. You wish %s the best of luck.
/magnificent ✔️ You nod approvingly. Magnificent job! You nod approvingly at %s. Magnificent job!
/map You pull out your map.
/massage You need a massage! You massage %s's shoulders.
/meow You meow. You meow at %s.
/mercy ✔️ You plead for mercy. You plead with %s for mercy.
/moan You moan suggestively. You moan suggestively at %s.
/mock You mock life and all it stands for. You mock the foolishness of %s.
/moo IconSmall Highmountain Male.gif Mooooooooooo. You moo at %s. Mooooooooooo.
/moon You drop your trousers and moon everyone. You drop your trousers and moon %s.
/mountspecial ✔️ Rear-up animation for all mounts.
/mourn ✔️ ✔️ In quiet contemplation, you mourn the loss of the dead. In quiet contemplation, you mourn the death of %s.
/mutter You mutter angrily to yourself. Hmmmph! You mutter angrily at %s. Hmmmph!
/nervous You look around nervously. You look at %s nervously.
/no ✔️ ✔️ You clearly state, NO. You tell %s NO. Not going to happen.
/nod /yes ✔️ ✔️ You nod. You nod at %s.
/nosepick /pick With a finger deep in one nostril, you pass the time. You pick your nose and show it to %s.
/object /objection /holdit ✔️ You OBJECT! You object to %s.
/offer You want to make an offer. You attempt to make %s an offer they can't refuse.
/oom ✔️ ✔️ You announce that you have low mana!
/oops ✔️ ✔️ You made a mistake. You made a mistake.
/openfire ✔️ ✔️ You give the order to open fire.
/panic You run around in a frenzied state of panic. You take one look at %s and panic.
/pat You need a pat. You gently pat %s.
/peer You peer around, searchingly. You peer at %s searchingly.
/pet You need to be petted. You pet %s.
/pinch You pinch yourself. You pinch %s.
/pity You pity those around you. You look down upon %s with pity.
/plead ✔️ You drop to your knees and plead in desperation. You plead with %s.
/point ✔️ You point over yonder. You point at %s.
/poke You poke your belly and giggle. You poke %s. Hey!
/ponder ✔️ You ponder the situation. You ponder %s's actions.
/pounce You pounce out from the shadows. You pounce on top of %s.
You pounce towards %s.
/pout You pout at everyone around you. You pout at %s.
/praise /lavish You praise the Light. You lavish praise upon %s.
/pray ✔️ You pray to the Gods. You say a prayer for %s.
/promise You make %s a promise.
/proud You are proud of yourself. You are proud of %s.
/pulse You check your own pulse. You check %s for a pulse. Oh no!
/punch You punch yourself. You punch %s's shoulder.
/purr You purr like a kitten. You purr at %s.
/puzzled ✔️ You are puzzled. What's going on here? You are puzzled by %s.
/quack ✔️ You pretend to be a duck. Quack! You quack at %s. Quack!
/raise /volunteer You raise your hand in the air. You look at %s and raise your hand.
/rasp ✔️ ✔️ You make a rude gesture. You make a rude gesture at %s.
/read ✔️ Opens a map.
/ready /rdy You let everyone know that you are ready! You let %s know that you are ready!
/regret You are filled with regret. You think that %s will regret it.
/revenge You vow you will have your revenge. You vow revenge on %s.
/roar /rawr ✔️ ✔️ You roar with bestial vigor. So fierce! You roar with bestial vigor at %s. So fierce!
/rofl ✔️ ✔️ You roll on the floor laughing. You roll on the floor laughing at %s.
/rolleyes /eyeroll You roll your eyes. You roll your eyes at %s.
/rude ✔️ ✔️ You make a rude gesture. You make a rude gesture at %s.
/ruffle You ruffle your hair. You ruffle %s's hair.
/sad You hang your head dejectedly.
/salute ✔️ You stand at attention and salute. You salute %s with respect.
/scared ✔️ You are scared! You are scared of %s.
/scoff You scoff. You scoff at %s.
/scold You scold yourself. You scold %s.
/scowl You scowl. You scowl at %s.
/scratch /cat /catty You scratch yourself. Ah, much better! You scratch %s. How catty!
/search You search for something. You search %s for something.
/sexy You're too sexy for your tunic...so sexy it hurts. You think %s is a sexy devil.
/shake /rear You shake your rear. You shake your rear at %s.
/shakefist /fist You shake your fist. You shake your fist at %s.
/shifty Your eyes shift back and forth suspiciously. You give %s a shifty look.
/shimmy You shimmy before the masses. You shimmy before %s.
/shiver You shiver in your boots. Chilling! You shiver beside %s. Chilling!
/shoo /pest You shoo the measly pests away. You shoo %s away. Be gone pest!
/shout /holler ✔️ You shout. You shout at %s.
/shrug ✔️ You shrug. Who knows? You shrug at %s. Who knows?
/shudder You shudder. You shudder at the sight of %s.
/shy ✔️ You smile shyly. You smile shyly at %s.
/sigh ✔️ You let out a long, drawn-out sigh. You sigh at %s.
/signal You give the signal. You give %s the signal.
/silence /shush You tell everyone to be quiet. Shhh! You tell %s to be quiet. Shhh!
/silly ✔️ ✔️ You tell a joke. You tell %s a joke.
/sing ✔️ You burst into song. You serenade %s with a song.
/sit ✔️ You sit down.
/slap You slap yourself across the face. Ouch! You slap %s across the face. Ouch!
/sleep ✔️ You fall asleep. Zzzzzzz.
/smack You smack your forehead. You smack %s upside the head.
/smile You smile. You smile at %s.
/smirk A sly smirk spreads across your face. You smirk slyly at %s.
/snap You snap your fingers. You snap your fingers at %s.
/snarl You bare your teeth and snarl. You bare your teeth and snarl at %s.
/sneak You try to sneak away. You try to sneak away from %s.
/sneeze You sneeze. Achoo! You sneeze on %s. Achoo!
/snicker You quietly snicker to yourself. You snicker at %s.
/sniff ✔️ IconSmall Worgen Male.gif You sniff the air around you. You sniff %s.
/snort You snort. You snort derisively at %s.
/snub You snub all of the lowly peons around you. You snub %s.
/soothe You need to be soothed. You soothe %s. There, there...things will be ok.
/spit You spit on the ground. You spit on %s.
/squeal You squeal like a pig. You squeal at %s.
/stand ✔️ You stand up.
/stare You stare off into the distance. You stare %s down.
/stink /smell You smell the air around you. Wow, someone stinks! You smell %s. Wow, someone stinks!
/surprised You are so surprised! You are surprised by %s's actions.
/surrender ✔️ You surrender to your opponents. You surrender before %s. Such is the agony of defeat...
/suspicious You narrow your eyes in suspicion. You are suspicious of %s.
/sweat You are sweating. You sweat at the sight of %s.
/talk ✔️ You talk to yourself since no one else seems interested. You want to talk things over with %s.
/talkex /excited ✔️ You talk excitedly with everyone. You talk excitedly with %s.
/talkq /question ✔️ You want to know the meaning of life. You question %s.
/tap You tap your foot. Hurry up already! You tap your foot as you wait for %s.
/taunt ✔️ ✔️ You taunt everyone around you. Bring it fools! You make a taunting gesture at %s. Bring it!
/tease You are such a tease. You tease %s.
/thank /thanks /ty ✔️ ✔️ You thank everyone around you. You thank %s.
/think You are lost in thought. You think about %s.
/thirsty You are so thirsty. Can anyone spare a drink? You let %s know you are thirsty. Spare a drink?
/tickle You want to be tickled. Hee hee! You tickle %s. Hee hee!
/tired You let everyone know that you are tired. You let %s know that you are tired.
/train ✔️ ✔️ "Choo Choo Train" animation and sound
/truce You offer a truce. You offer %s a truce.
/twiddle You twiddle your thumbs.
/veto You veto the motion on the floor. You veto %s's motion.
/victory ✔️ You bask in the glory of victory. You bask in the glory of victory with %s.
/violin ✔️ ✔️ You begin to play the world's smallest violin. You play the world's smallest violin for %s.
/wait ✔️ ✔️ You ask everyone to wait. You ask %s to wait.
/warn You warn everyone. You warn %s.
/wave ✔️ You wave. You wave at %s.
/welcome ✔️ ✔️ You welcome everyone. You welcome %s.
/whine You whine pathetically. You whine pathetically at %s.
/whistle ✔️ You let forth a sharp whistle. You whistle at %s.
/whoa ✔️ ✔️ You are blown away. You are blown away by %s.
/wince You wince sympathetically. You wince sympathetically at %s. That looked like it hurt!
/wink You wink slyly. You wink slyly at %s.
/work You begin to work. You work with %s.
/yawn ✔️ You yawn sleepily. You yawn sleepily at %s.
/yw ✔️ ✔️ You were happy to help. You were happy to help %s.

These are only available through DoEmote, for example DoEmote("GOODLUCK")

Emote Token Anim Voice No Target Text Targeted Text
FAIL ✔️ You have failed. You think %s has failed.
GOODLUCK You wish for some good luck. You wish %s good luck.
SERIOUS You think this is serious business. You think %s is serious.
STOPATTACK You tell everyone to stop attacking. You tell %s to stop attacking.


  • Tauren are the only race that produce the proper sound effect when the "/moo" emote is used.
  • Worgen also have an animation and sound for the "/sniff" command.
  • Entering "lol" without a slash will also make your character laugh.

Patch changes

  • Shadowlands Patch 9.1.5 (2021-11-02):
    • /drool, /cough, /burp, /fart, /whistle, /spit, and /moon no longer change when used while targeting a player.
    • /pounce and /groan have been adjusted when used while targeting a player.
    • /huzzah, /magnificent, /impressed, and /wince have been added.
    • /moan, /kick, /stink, /smell, /shake, and /rear have been removed.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.0.2 (2008-10-14): A lot of new emotes have been added: /absent, /arm, /awe, /backpack, /badfeeling, /blame, /blank, /brandish, /breath, /challenge, /charm, /chug, /coverears, /crossarms, /ding, /disagree, /doubt, /encourage, /enemy, /eyebrow, /highfive, /facepalm, /faint, /go, /sweat, /going, /glower, /headache, /hiccup, /hiss, /holdhand, /hurry, /idea, /jealous, /luck, /look, /map, /mercy, /mutter, /nervous, /object, /offer, /pet, /pinch, /proud, /promise, /pulse, /punch, /pout, /regret, /revenge, /rolleyes, /ruffle, /sad, /scoff, /scold, /scowl, /search, /shakefist, /shifty, /shudder, /signal, /silence, /sing, /smack, /snap, /sneak, /sneeze, /snort, /squeal, /stopattack, /suspicious, /think, /truce, /twiddle, /warn.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.3.0 (2005-03-07): Added /golfclap.

See also