Restock: Surveillance Equipment

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VenthyrRestock: Stoneborn Reserves
Start Watchmaster Boromod
End Watchmaster Boromod
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Experience 8,150
Reputation +150 The Ember Court
Rewards Inv crate 03.png Restock Security
25g 74s



I have an urgent matter to discuss.

As you are aware, a murder occurred at the last Ember Court. That is an unacceptable failing on my part and I apologize.

I would like to acquire additional surveillance equipment to ensure we are prepared if it happens again.

After that is resolved, we can discuss security options for future Ember Courts.


You will learn: Inv crate 03.png Restock Security

You will also receive:


I tolerate many questionable activities in the court, but murder will not be one of them.

The full breadth of our Security options are available to us now.


On completion
Watchmaster Boromod says: I will distribute this among our troops as needed. Let's discuss security options.

Patch changes

External links