Mekthorg the Wild

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MobMekthorg the Wild
Image of Mekthorg the Wild
Gender Male
Race Fel orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-30 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hellfire Peninsula[51, 49]

Mekthorg the Wild is a fel orc rare mob found in traveling around in Hellfire Peninsula. He can perform a large knockback whirlwind-like ability.


  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Enrage — Enrages, increasing physical damage and attack speed for 2 min.
  • Inv spear 02.png Pike Vault — Inflicts normal damage plus 1 to an enemy, knocking it back.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of steel that inflicts 110% of weapon damage.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Whirlwind — Attacks nearby enemies in a whirlwind of steel that lasts until cancelled.


Inv chest cloth 25.png [Demonweave Raiment] Inv chest samurai.png [Demon-Cured Tunic]
Inv chest chain 07.png [Demon-Forged Hauberk] Inv chest plate12.png [Demon-Forged Chestguard]


Mekthorg the Wild is a criterion of the achievements:


Once I've hacked off your limbs, I may hang your body from our battlements.

Patch changes

External links