Ghostly Archmage

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Ghostly Archmage
Race Human / Undead
Base unit Archmage
Faction Dalaran
Hit points 800
Hit point regeneration Always
Mana 660
Unit Type Normal
Unit Classified As Ground
Level 9
Sleeps No
Collision Size 32
Normal attack 46-52
Can attack Ground, Structure, Debris, Air, Item, Ward
Range 600
Attack type Hero
Weapon type Missile
Armor Type Flesh
Defense Type Hero
Armor Invulnerable/6
Day Sight 1800
Night Sight 800
Movement Speed 320
Turn Rate .5
Sound Set HeroArchMage
Hero Parameters
Primary Attribute Intelligence
Strength Infocard-heroattributes-str.png 28 (+1.8/level)
Agility Infocard-heroattributes-agi.png 25 (+1/level)
Intelligence Infocard-heroattributes-int.png 44 (+3.2/level)
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

In Warcraft III:The Frozen Throne, ghostly Archmagi are the souls of the dead Archmagi who died while preventing the invasion of Arthas in Dalaran. They have the same spells like of a regular Archmage but appear as its luminescent counterpart. In the Blood Elf campaign, they appear in Chapter 3 where Kael and Lady Vashj encountered several of them. Defeating them grants an item called the Archmagi Ring that grants a mana regeneration aura or the Brilliance Aura. In order to get the item, the player must first gather all the pieces of the ring by defeating all the ghostly archmagi, who drop the pieces.


  • Their levels are 1, 3, 6, and 9, based on their location on the map.
  • Their location on the map is random every time you start and restart the mission.
  • Fordred Aran, Landazar, Antonidas, and Conjurus Rex are the names used in the mission.