Gallows' End Tavern

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Gallows' End Tavern.

Gallows' End Tavern (or Gallow's End Tavern)[1] featured trainers for warriors, priests, mages, rogues, warlocks, enchanters, and first aid. It also had an innkeeper and a few other vendors. This tavern was notable because it is the only fully functional tavern known to be run by the Forsaken.

A captured Scarlet Zealot and Dwarven Mountaineer were held in the cellars.


Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): With Brill completely redesigned, this building/subzone no longer exists.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.3.0 (2007-11-13): The music has been changed.
    The original music, "Undead Dance", can be played by running the following macro in World of Warcraft: /script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Music\\ZoneMusic\\TavernHorde\\undead_dance.mp3")



External links

es:Mesón La Horca pl:Gallows' End Tavern