Executioner Adrastia

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MobExecutioner Adrastia
Image of Executioner Adrastia
Gender Female
Race Stoneborn (Humanoid)
Level 61 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Darkwall Tower, Revendreth
Status Killable

Executioner Adrastia is a stoneborn located at Darkwall Tower in Revendreth. She appears once 50 Darkwall Captives have been rescued.


  • Ability rogue shadowstep.png Blink Step — The caster shifts their position, instantly teleporting to behind the enemy and attacking with Razor Wing.
  • Ability warrior weaponmastery.png Downward Strike — Slashes at the enemy, inflicting 125 Physical damage.
  • Ability skyreach wind.png Dustborn Storm — Creates a storm that whips around the caster, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies it hits.
  • Inv icon wingbroken04a.png Razor Wing — Rends the enemy with a razor sharp wing, inflicting 15 Physical damage and causes them to bleed for 2 Physical damage every 1 sec for 10 sec.


Objective of


Darkwall Tower belongs to the Master!
By decree of the Master, all trespassers will be executed!
The Prince's tower... will never be rebuilt...


The captives will engage with enemy mobs in their way, so it's recommended you either clear the mobs beforehand or escort the captives as they head to safety.

Patch changes

External links