Breaking Their Fel Bonds

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AllianceBreaking Their Fel Bonds
Start Vindicator Krethos
End Vindicator Krethos
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Daily
Category Tanaan Jungle
Experience 15,070
Reputation +250 Hand of the Prophet
Rewards [Apexis Crystal] (500)
15g 40s
Repeatable Yes
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40 Daily] Blood of Fallen Brothers.


Collect 20 Vials of Fel Blood from fel orcs throughout Tanaan Jungle.


Gul'dan's fel poison turns already ferocious orcs into hateful, vicious creatures with no soul. But were he here to guide us, Prophet Velen wouldn't give up on the whole race. If you could find samples of their blood, maybe we can reverse the process?

You'll find fel orcs all over Tanaan, but the Iron Front, the Fel Forge, and the Throne of Kil'jaeden are the most densely populated.


Were you able to secure some blood samples? I will not inquire as to your methods, commander.


Thank you, commander. Our scholars will study these samples at once!

We mustn't give up hope. Our eredar brothers are seemingly lost forever, but orcs from the world of Azeroth managed to break free from the Burning Legion....


You will receive: 15g 40s


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