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Bloodmaul clan (alternate universe)

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For the clan from the main universe, see Bloodmaul clan.
MobBloodmaul clan
Bloodmaul Banner.jpg
Bloodmaul Banner
Main leader  Borgal Doomfist
Secondary leaders  Gug'rokk
Race(s) OgreOgre Ogre
IconSmall Ogron.gif Ogron[1]
Capital Bloodmaul Stronghold
Base of operations Bloodmaul Slag Mines
Theater of operations Frostfire Ridge
Affiliation Gorian Empire, Bloodmaul Slave Traders
Status Active

The Bloodmaul clan is an ogre clan, located in Frostfire Ridge. They are infamous as brutal slavemasters.[2]


On the northern outskirts of Frostfire Ridge, the Bloodmaul ogres are a part of Gorian Empire. They run a brutal mining operation amidst the sweltering heat of active volcanic caverns. Slaves from across Draenor are transported to the mines, never to leave alive. The Slag Mines produce abundant yields of gemstones and ore, but it is rumored that the true purpose of these mines is to dig for an ancient relic of immense power.[3] The ogres did find an artifact but it was taken.[4]

The ogre geomancers harnesses the elements, in order to protect the mines, prevent a slave revolt,[5] or create a forge[6] Recently, Gog'duh has risen the flames of his forge to new heights, driving Magmolatus into such a fury that it requires his full concentration to keep the elemental under control.[7]

After Alliance and Horde invaded Draenor to fight the Iron Horde, the Horde aided the Frostwolf clan in their fights against the Bloodmaul across Frostfire, including their home, Bloodmaul Stronghold, and their chieftain, Borgal Doomfist. They and their slave traders were also attacked inside Bloodmaul Slag Mines.

During the course of the war, the ogres raided Horde outposts in Frostfire, but the Horde forces sent.[8]

The slaves at the Stonefury Cliffs were liberated by the Azerothian commanders and their army.[9]



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