A Muddy Journal

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  • A Muddy Journal
  • "You found this journal in the grass, its pages are covered with mud. The very last pages of its content is a window to a broken soul."
  • <Right Click to Read>
  • Sell Price: 1c

A Muddy Journal is a quest reward from N [70] A Better Future, Together.


A Muddy Journal

<Most of the journal consists of dry mission briefings, but the last few pages seem rushed and hard to read. >

Why am I dwelling on this now? Why here?

I hear battle shouts and screams of fear. I can smell the rivers of blood in the streets of Ara-Hinam, my home.

I feel the loneliness I felt after the Burning Legion took my family. And before Tyrande found me.

Even then, I wanted... I wanted to fight! But Tyrande forbade me.

I did not listen. And my arrows tasted blood for the first time that day. But Tyrande was right. I was not ready. I was overjoyed when I found her side again....

I was "Captain" Feathermoon then.

The fel orcs destroyed my home. I watched Cenarius fall. How could I let it happen? A looming shadow crept into my mind.

<The writing becomes indecipherable.>

More and more demons came. I could not help everyone. We retreated. Some were left behind.

In the end, the combined might of the allied armies did not bring down Archimonde. It was Malfurion. We won, but I felt weak.

The cost was great. I watched Nordrassil, the symbol of my people

<The parchment is unfinished and bears the markings of tear drops.>

There was nothing I could have done to stop the naga from taking Sardor Isle.

I have rebuilt my home... for what? There will be a time when that home will fall, and I will watch it be taken from me all over again.

Some day I will not be able to take it back.

There will never be a safe place for me to call home.

I remember Theramore fading into the distance as I led the Sentinels into Dustwallow Marsh.

A few hours earlier, I, now "General" Feathermoon, was standing with my battle sister, Jaina Proudmoore, at the center of the town.

It is gone now. All of it. The stench of battle haunts the ruins... I can smell it, here, in the Dream, between these dense forests. It feels so real.

Was there something I could have done?

Tyrande was the only mother I knew for 10,000 years.

I thought I was losing a mother again.

I pleaded her to stop the hunt, but I was too late. I watched as she was taken by the Night Warrior.

Whatever hope I had was shattered by

<Several partial or crossed out attempts at writing Sylvanas's name fill this space.>

The Banshee Queen.

I could not save her. I would have lost her if not for Ysera's intervention. I would have lost my mother again.

Again I was not enough. In Tyrande's rage she... she attacked me. Tyrande, why could you not see me?

Elune herself had to intervene. And what could I have done? Nothing.

The Druids of the Flame burn everything.

I have that sinking feeling in my chest, the same feeling when I heard Malfurion's call to defend Ashenvale reached my ears.

"What are you doing in Silithus?" I asked myself. "This will just end in tragedy again!"

Will this be another Darkshore? I can smell the forest burning.

We were not. No. I was ill prepared and I led them all to their deaths. Catapults rained arcane fire on our ships. Infiltrators used the chaos to destroy the fleet.

I had to sound the horns of retreat.

I smell the fire between these trees, it is all around me.
<The handwriting becomes erratic.>

The smell of burning trees. I cannot get it out of my head. These Druids. Teldrassil.

I can't do this anymore.

Patch changes

See also

External links