Zalamar Zealot

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MobZalamar Zealot
Image of Zalamar Zealot
Gender Female
Race Blood troll (Humanoid)
Level 20-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Zalamar, Nazmir
Status Killable

Zalamar Zealots are blood trolls located in Zalamar and the Fall in Nazmir.


  • Ability warrior bloodbath.png Bloodletting — Inflicts Physical damage to all nearby enemies and causes them to bleed.
  • Ability creature cursed 04.png Transfusion — Teleports to a random location near the target.

Objective of


  • Blood! Blood! Blood!
  • Fresh meat!
  • Guzincha!
  • Want ya blood!
  • Ya can't hide from da Blood God!
  • Your blood for G'huun!
  • Your bones gonna serve us well!
  • Zuldazar gonna fall!

Patch changes

External links