Y'lliya Xennin

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MobY'lliya Xennin
Image of Y'lliya Xennin
Gender Male
Race Satyr (Demon)
Level 10-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Northeast of Gaping Chasm, Tanaris [60.0, 62.5]
Status Killable

Y'lliya Xennin is the satyr antagonist of the first chapter of the Guest Relations storyline. Players end up confronting him during N [30-80] Spot the Difference northeast of the Gaping Chasm in southeastern Tanaris. He is seen briefly taking on the form of Julia Henning, revealing that he was the one who framed Scrapes for the murder of Herrkrop, that he himself had committed.


  • Spell fire felflamebolt.png Fel Fireball — Inflicts X Fire damage to an enemy and an additional X Fire damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
  • Inv knife 1h felfireraid d 01.png Fel Strike — The satyr strikes at its target with fel-infused blades, dealing X Fire damage.

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