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Wounded Grimfrost Drudge

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MobWounded Grimfrost Drudge
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Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 10-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Grimfrost clan
Location Frostfire Ridge
Status Killable

Wounded Grimfrost Drudges are ogres located in Frostfire Ridge.


  • Inv gauntlets 05.png Backhand — Backhands an enemy, inflicting Physical damage to targets in front of the caster. Ogres are particularly mean and can stun other ogres upon striking them.
  • Spell shadow unholyfrenzy.png Bloody Rage — The ogre goes into a Bloody Rage! Increasing damage done by 30% and taken by 30%.
  • Ability druid demoralizingroar.png Dreadful Roar — Reduces the movement speed of all enemies within 20 yards by 30% for 9 sec.
  • Ability monk cranekick.png Wild Flail — Flails about, inflicting Physical damage to enemies within 5 yards.
  • Achievement dungeon blackrockcaverns romogg bonecrusher.png Wounded — Grievous wounds slow this ogre’s movement speed by 60%

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See also

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