Water Management

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  • 10 Achievement points
  • Water Management
  • Defeat Witherbark without allowing him to replenish any of his Aqueous Energy in The Everbloom on Heroic difficulty.

Water Management is an achievement earned from defeating Witherbark without him having absorbed any of his Aqueous Energy orbs in The Everbloom Heroic difficulty. The best way to make sure this doesn't happen is to position the boss as far away from the water as possible, preferably around the edges of the room. This ensures there's more time for the orbs to reach Witherbark, and more time to reach striking distance and destroy the orbs or let them be absorbed by the Unchecked Growth.

Criteria of


  • In Russian version this achievement named Никто не водится со мной (Nikto ne voditsya so mnoy, Nobody wants to be with me) as reference to the Vodyanoy's song from the Soviet animated cartoon Летучий корабль (Letuchiy korabl', The Flying Ship, 1979).

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