Warcraft Wiki talk:Rumored races test

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How about we...

Un-Burning Crusade-enize this page, so it can be used for future expansions? Saimdusan

Questions about the Test

: Who the heck is Strawberry? ;-) --Fandyllic
: Strawberry posts race info on WoW forums and posted this test a while back. Thought it deserved to be kept somewhere. --Xmuskrat 12:34, 15 Feb 2006 (EST)
: Could we set votes for the races in here to be put or not in the official Rumored Races page ?--Kirochi 13:27, 13 Mar 2006 (EST)



Written by Squoosh

I am just apologizing in advance if I am posting this in the wrong place. This is my first time posting on this, so please, go easy on me :p.

If you read the bestiary page http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/burningcrusade/townhall/bestiary.html specifically this quote, “The ethereals have no care at all for the Burning Crusade. They would even play both sides of the conflict against each other if doing so would serve to further their own goals.” It would seem that blizzard may be hinting at a possible alliance of convince similar to that of the blood elves. There is little known about the Etherals. It seems possible that some of them would “defect” to the alliance, and fight against their own kind in an effort to further their own goals.

Their home is in the twisting nether, but it would be possible some took up residency on Kalimdor. A home for a race doesn’t have to be an ancient city. It is possible that they invaded an existing town, either a horde city or npc town / ruins, and that would be the foundation for their starting area.

If you look at the artwork for the race, I do believe this qualifies as a “cool” race. Also, they are humanoid in shape, so existing armor would not be an issue. Plus, how cool would it be to have all these glow effects coming out of your armor? There is a strong connection to the outland.

Let me put this race to “the test” http://www.wowwiki.com/Rumored_Races_Test :

Part 1: Logistics.

Can your race logically...

  • Be classified as "humanoid"?
  • Wear robes, helmets, pants, and any other item in the game with, at worst, minor alterations?
  • Wield all weapons currently in game?
  • Mount other creatures?
  • Ride the flying creatures (gryphons, etc.) without modification?

Yes, this race can be classified as “humanoid.” It is able to wear all the armor / weapons / mounts in the game without requiring any changes.

Part 2: Lore

This race is part of Warcraft lore. It is not a very well known part of lore, but it is officially in their lore. This gives blizzard a lot of room to play with quests / back story without fear of breaking any other lore in the game.

Part 3: Location

Does your race logically...

  • Have a home on Azeroth, with a major city?
  • Have enough room in areas surrounding their major city to have 3 low-level zones?
  • Have, in each of the above zones, a backstory and reason for adventuring there, as well as a town our outpost to act as a quest hub in the area?
    • And would all other races in the new race's faction logically have access to these same quest hubs?
  • Have a reason for not entering into the world's conflicts as of yet?
  • Have a good means of, thus far, keeping themselves seperate from the world? (i.e. is there a good reason we haven't noticed their new zones up until now?)
  • Have a reason to go to Outland? (it's been heavily implied by Blizzard that the new race would have some connection to Outland)

A new race doesn’t have to have an existing city in the game. It is possible that when the dark portal opens, it grants them access to the world. They come in and take over an existing (read horde) city. The opening of the dark portal is going to be a game changing event. It is not guaranteed anywhere that all of Azeroth will remain untouched. I am not saying that horde will lose the undercity, or anything like that. They may just take over a small town and build it up, or possibly even the ruins of a city in another zone.

To answer a few specifics of the requirements: “Have a reason for not entering into the world's conflicts as of yet? “Have a good means of, thus far, keeping themselves seperate from the world?”

Yes, the dark portal was not open, so they were not able to exsist in Azeroth.

“Have a reason to go to Outland?” They reside on the outlands. They used the outlands / dark portal to enter Azeroth.

Part 4: Leverage.

  • Does your race have a home on, or near Kalimdor?

As stated previously, it is possible they entered Azeroth and took over an existing city / ruins in the game and made it their home.

  • Will your race bring a new visual style to the Alliance in some way?

If you look at the artwork, they definilty add a new visual style to the game.

  • Is your race interesting? Interest is a highly subjective question, but there are qualities that, from most people's perspective, make a race "interesting".
    • Does the race have a solid backstory?
    • Do they have their own conflicts that aren't just them being pulled along with other storylines?
    • Do they have their own unique language? Do they have a unique visual style for their art and architecture?
    • Would their city be vastly different than any other city currently in game?

It would be a semi “evil” race on the alliance side. Just as the taurens are a semi “peaceful” race on the horde side. All of these types of qualities will add weight to your argument.

  • Does your race makes good business sense?

Yes, it makes good business sense. The race is visually appealing, and definitely “cool.” Considering how popular “glowing” enchants are in the game, people would love to have a character that glows. Also, this would allow alliance players to have a “bad ass” race.

So the final question, perhaps the most subjective, but still valid:

  • Would you want to play the race you're suggesting?

You bet.

So what does everyone think? Is this a solid enough argument to make the rumored races page?

Part 5: Feedback.

Blizzard said they werent gonna make up a completely new race for the new Alliance race. They have said that they are already in the game. (The model will most likely be updated, since races that arent playable have a low polygon count). The whole Cool factor is subjective. Btw, dont you think the Alliance is over populated enough already? :D. My theory is, they add Blood elf to the horde (Elf most played race on alliance) and add Forest trolls(or dark trolls for that matter) to the alliance, since the trolls are the least played race on the horde :P . Although i think Etherals are cool, i wouldnt want them to be the new alliance race, id rather want a race that already has tonns of lore. Also Blizzard said that they might be planning a huge server event to open the dark portal, so that rules out any race that is in the outlands that isnt already in Azaroth, since they first have to get here to enter the alliance and build a Capital city.


Outlander Orcs

The race I proposed was Fel Orcs, or a redeemed kind of Orcs still living in Outland. As far as I've read the test (until the end, of course ! (-; ), I've seen no major reason to it being totally impossible, and most of questions here could be answered by "Yes".--Kirochi 12:28, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)

Copy the questions and fill it out in here! :) --Xmuskrat 14:12, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)
Well, it seemed a bit bulky to me to put that here, but if you wish so :

Part 1: Logistics

Can your race logically...

  • be classified as "humanoid"?} Without
  • wear robes, helmets, pants, and any other item in the game with, at worst, minor alterations?} any
  • wield all weapons currently in game?} possible
  • mount other creatures?} doubt
  • ride the flying creatures (gryphons, etc) without modification?} Yes !

Part 2: Lore

They actually belong to the lore.

Part 3: Location

Does your race logically...

  • have a home on Azeroth, with a major city? ==> Well, logically they could inhabit BRS but this question keeps unanswered
  • have enough room in areas surrounding their major city to have 3 low-level zones? ==> If their town is BRS, then yes
  • have, in each of the above zones, a backstory and reason for adventuring there, as well as a town our outpost to act as a quest hub in the area? And would all other races in the new race's faction logically have access to these same quest hubs? ==> Yes. To fight Dark Iron Dwarves and wicked fire elementals.
  • have a reason for not entering into the world's conflicts as of yet? ==> Yes. They wouldn't know about it.
  • have a good means of, thus far, keeping themselves seperate from the world? (ie, is there a good reason we haven't noticed their new zones up until now?) ==> Yes because they live in Outland.

Part 4: Leverage

  • Does your race have a home on, or near kalimdor? ==> Nope. That's a real negative point.
  • Will your race bring a new visual style to the alliance in some way? ==> Absolutely. Huge red brutes would totally change the style of Alliance.
  • Is your race interesting? Interest is a highly subjective question, but there are qualities that, from most people's perspective, make a race "interesting". ==> They could indeedly become so with a few lore addings
    • Does the race have a solid backstory? ==> Yep
    • Do they have their own conflicts that aren't just them being pulled along with other storylines? ==> Yes, could be considerated so.
    • Do they have their own unique language? Do they have a unique visual style for their art and architecture? ==> Their language could be a bit of Demonic and a bit of Orcish, or just another Orcish dialect
    • Would their city be vastly different than any other city currently in game? ==> Just don't know, but maybe yes because Orgrimmar is a symbol of brand new Orcish civilization ; old Orcish architecture may be brandly different.
  • Does your race your race makes good business sense? ==> Well, that would be kinda innovative (-;
    • Would you want to play the race you're suggesting? ==> No because Orcs piss me off. And don't ask stupid questions ; really, who cares about this new race ? --Kirochi 17:50, 11 Feb 2006 (EST)


Outlander orcs are not red. The orcs became red after being infused with eveel bloodlust and rage by the Burning Legion.--Cachtorr

Grom Hellscream's Warsong's Orcs became red after drinking Mannoroth's blood : this is a demonic corruption, as what happened to the invading Orcs during W1 and W2, though they were green. The Outlander corrupted Orcs could be red as well.--Kirochi 10:26, 12 Feb 2006 (EST)

Wow, we seem to be a reference to Strawberry and pals ^^--Kirochi 10:45, 19 Feb 2006 (EST)

Dark Trolls

Thricej37 doesn't post his opinions about DT there, neither does Strawberee, then I'll do.

Part 1: Logistics

Can your race logically...

  • be classified as "humanoid"? Yes, Trolls are currently classified as "humanoid" in WoW.
  • wear robes, helmets, pants, and any other item in the game with, at worst, minor alterations? Yes
  • wield all weapons currently in game? Sure
  • mount other creatures? Yes
  • ride the flying creatures (gryphons, etc) without modification? Yes

Part 2: Lore

Lore, actually.

Part 3: Location

Does your race logically...

  • have a home on Azeroth, with a major city? ==> Yes, Mt. Hyjal, Ashenvale and Darkshore.
  • have enough room in areas surrounding their major city to have 3 low-level zones? ==> Yes, using the Night Elves'.
  • have, in each of the above zones, a backstory and reason for adventuring there, as well as a town our outpost to act as a quest hub in the area? And would all other races in the new race's faction logically have access to these same quest hubs? ==> Yes, they may help their Night Elven children, fight Hordish Trolls and like to slay Demons whom corrupted their home.
  • have a reason for not entering into the world's conflicts as of yet? ==> Yes, it's known that Dark Trolls have been hiding for a while.
  • have a good means of, thus far, keeping themselves seperate from the world? (ie, is there a good reason we haven't noticed their new zones up until now?) ==> Hyjal being a closed zone by now, it's safe to say yes.

Part 4: Leverage

  • Does your race have a home on, or near kalimdor? ==> Yes, they have an outpost in Darkshore and may start at Hyjal.
  • Will your race bring a new visual style to the alliance in some way? ==> Yes, Trolls have different skin colors and features than the Alliance's current ones, and an even darker race for Alliance than the Forsaken for the Horde will enforce the balance : Alliance is no f*ggy anymore, it's now badass and wishing to destroy the Horde, no matter which weapons with (continuing to fight Horde whilst having a portal to a new world really shows their hatred towards them)
  • Is your race interesting? Interest is a highly subjective question, but there are qualities that, from most people's perspective, make a race "interesting". ==> Lore, originality, new visual style.
    • Does the race have a solid backstory? ==> Hummm ... Not currently but the lore is the easiest tool to manage.
    • Do they have their own conflicts that aren't just them being pulled along with other storylines? ==> Yes, fighting Darkspear Trolls, their Orcish allies, the impure Undead, Kalimdor-invading Tauren and Demons.
    • Do they have their own unique language? Do they have a unique visual style for their art and architecture? ==> Something between Zandali (the main Troll dialect), Darnassian and other Troll dialects. Their architecture should be between Trolls' and Night Elves', like forest-troglodytes.
    • Would their city be vastly different than any other city currently in game? ==> Ummm ... Just don't know. Would look like ZG or ZF, but smaller, darker and underground.
  • Does your race your race makes good business sense? ==> That's what I think so.
    • Would you want to play the race you're suggesting? ==> Hummm ... No. I don't like Trolls. But that's my point.--Kirochi 12:48, 10 Mar 2006 (EST)


Thanks so much for running the test, Kirochi. (I still feel like such a newbie to WoWWiki...) But I think that the points made by both you and Thricej37 are at least plausible. My only question would come regarding what level range Hyjal is speculated at being. Obviously, only Blizzard knows the answer, but you just wouldn't expect it as a starter zone. (Then again, the Blood Elves are right by the Eastern Plaguelands...) But still, an Elf race for the Horde and a Troll one for the Alliance might make for a decent balance. And personally, I wouldn't mind playing Dark Troll as I'm already Troll on the Horde side. ;) Thanks again for the consideration! --Strawberree 14:13, 10 Mar 2006 (EST)

Well, Hyjal seems to be the only free zone at the moment ... Or otherwise West Stonetalon mts ...--Kirochi 15:51, 10 Mar 2006 (EST)


How about Mok'Nathal the half orc, half Ogre things?


Part 1: Logistics

If you answer "no" to any of the following questions, your race fails.

Can your race logically...

  • Be classified as "humanoid"? Yes
  • Wear robes, helmets, pants, and any other item in the game with, at worst, minor alterations? yes
  • Wield all weapons currently in game? yes
  • Mount other creatures? yes
  • Ride the flying creatures (gryphons, etc.) without modification? yes

Part 2: Lore

It's been heavily implied (logically so) that they aren't making up new races when they already have so many good ones in the lore already. Therefore, if your race is not currently in the Warcraft lore in any way shape or form, your race fails. Also, the more established your race is in the lore (i.e. if they're in the RPG books, have appeared in previous games, are in print novels, etc.), consider them more likely.

Part 3: Location

If you answer "no" to any of the following questions, you must be able to provide a reason why, and an alternative. If that is not possible, your race fails.

Since Outland is the only new major area being released (i.e. it's unlikely Northrend will come in with the Burning Crusade expansion, nor will any other new continents), and we know that Outland will be exclusive content for those that buy the expansion (and exclusively for high-level players), any new race must have its home somewhere on Azeroth as we know it (either the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, or minor outlying areas). Therefore, ask yourself these questions:

Does your race logically...

  • Have a home on Azeroth, with a major city? They could build one, maybe on Hyjal.
  • Have enough room in areas surrounding their major city to have 3 low-level zones? Use the Night Elf ones.
  • Have, in each of the above zones, a backstory and reason for adventuring there, as well as a town our outpost to act as a quest hub in the area? They could have built the city and towns while the Frozen Throne was going on.
  • And would all other races in the new race's faction logically have access to these same quest hubs? of course
  • Have a reason for not entering into the world's conflicts as of yet? Not prepared to commit themselves.
  • Have a good means of, thus far, keeping themselves seperate from the world? (i.e. is there a good reason we haven't noticed their new zones up until now?) They have been hiding from the outside world (like Rexxar was).
  • Have a reason to go to Outland? (it's been heavily implied by Blizzard that the new race would have some connection to Outland) They used to live there, they want to go home.

Part 4: Leverage

The following will help your case, but are not necessary for a race to be chosen. If you answer "yes" to any or all of these questions, consider your case stronger. If you answer no, it likely means very little, but could hurt your case slighly.

  • Does your race have a home on, or near Kalimdor? Maybe Hyjal. (they like wild places) or Western Stonetalon.
  • Will your race bring a new visual style to the Alliance in some way? Sure, an Ogre/Orc style with a natural twist.
  • Will be a hordish race? yes, they are orc-ogre hybrids.
  • Is your race interesting? Interest is a highly subjective question, but there are qualities that, from most people's perspective, make a race "interesting". Yes they are interesting. they are half ork, half oger, and yet different from both.
    • Does the race have a solid backstory?
    • Do they have their own conflicts that aren't just them being pulled along with other storylines? Sure, trying to maintain the balance of nature, and protect the wilds.
    • Do they have their own unique language? Maybe a cross between Ogre and Orcish, or maybe a language created by them since they began their wandering.
    • Do they have a unique visual style for their art and architecture? Of course, i imagine a sourt of Tauren-Orcish mix with a more natural feel.
    • Would their city be vastly different than any other city currently in game? Sure, they are outdoorsmen, they could have a very different style of building, sort of tents, but more perminate than the Tauren ones, and with a more orcish feel, also a great deal more emphasis on the natural enviroment.

All of these types of qualities will add weight to your argument.

  • Does your race makes good business sense? I think so.
  • Would you want to play the race you're suggesting? Definitely.

From Gadgetfingers


Hi Gadgetfingers. Nice to see I'm not the only one who posts in here. I've corrected the syntax of your post, maybe you didn't have much time to do it (I swear I didn't modify the text, except for misspellings). I actually think that the Mok'Nathal kind has too few representants to constitue a race on it's own, even less than High Elves. And the only known Mok'Nathal but the named models in Warcraft 3 is Rexxar, friendly to the Horde and neutral/hostile to the Alliance. And, once and again, I know I'm currently fighting this argument, but there were never seen female Mok'Nathal, meaning (that's what's different from the other races) we don't even know if there are some, and we don't know if they can have children. That's all folks.--Kirochi 13:19, 13 Mar 2006 (EST)

I'd say that Mok'Nathal would be like mules. Sterile. --Vorbis 00:08, 13 Apr 2006 (GMT)

That's what I meant, hybrids can sometimes be sterile ... ^^ But still GF's arguments are good.--Kirochi 07:24, 15 April 2006 (EDT)



Oh crap. I just created a Nathrezim argument and it logged me off. :,( I'll probably try again later --Vorbis

Just type the previosu button.--Kirochi 10:22, 30 April 2006 (EDT)

Nah. It'd work... well, here I go again.

Part 1: Logistics

If you answer "no" to any of the following questions, your race fails.

Can your race logically...

  • Be classified as "humanoid"? Yes, in the same way that Forsaken can.
  • Wear robes, helmets, pants, and any other item in the game with, at worst, minor alterations? I've seen concept art of Nathrezim minus wings. These Nathrezim would be fine - their hooves and horns already solved Taurne-style.
  • Wield all weapons currently in game? Yes.
  • Mount other creatures? Yes, the Nathrezim above could.
  • Ride the flying creatures (gryphons, etc.) without modification? Yes, see above.

Part 2: Lore

It's been heavily implied (logically so) that they aren't making up new races when they already have so many good ones in the lore already. Therefore, if your race is not currently in the Warcraft lore in any way shape or form, your race fails. Also, the more established your race is in the lore (i.e. if they're in the RPG books, have appeared in previous games, are in print novels, etc.), consider them more likely.

Part 3: Location

If you answer "no" to any of the following questions, you must be able to provide a reason why, and an alternative. If that is not possible, your race fails.

Since Outland is the only new major area being released (i.e. it's unlikely Northrend will come in with the Burning Crusade expansion, nor will any other new continents), and we know that Outland will be exclusive content for those that buy the expansion (and exclusively for high-level players), any new race must have its home somewhere on Azeroth as we know it (either the Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, or minor outlying areas). Therefore, ask yourself these questions:

Does your race logically...

  • Have a home on Azeroth, with a major city? The Nathrezim have the power of shapeshifting, so they could have hidden pretty much anywhere undetected until the time is right to pop up again. They could build one possibly on Hyjal or somewhere in Kalimdor - after all, shapeshifting can get you pretty much anywhere.
  • Have enough room in areas surrounding their major city to have 3 low-level zones? Depends where you put it. Odds are that they'll have room somewhere.
  • Have, in each of the above zones, a backstory and reason for adventuring there, as well as a town our outpost to act as a quest hub in the area? Like I said, Nathrezim could pop up anywhere, possibly on Hyjal as it's where the last battle against Archimonde happened.
  • And would all other races in the new race's faction logically have access to these same quest hubs? Why not?
  • Have a reason for not entering into the world's conflicts as of yet? They harbour no love for any of the lesser mortal races, and wouldn't want to lose themselves in something they have nothing to do with.
  • Have a good means of, thus far, keeping themselves seperate from the world? (i.e. is there a good reason we haven't noticed their new zones up until now?) Nathrezim have rather powerful magic, not to mention shapeshifting.
  • Have a reason to go to Outland? (it's been heavily implied by Blizzard that the new race would have some connection to Outland) The Burning Legion has returned. Seeing as many Dreadlords have decided to seperate with the Burning Legion and the Scourge and establish themselves as their own master (take Balnazzar for example), I'm not sure Kil'Jaeden would be to pleased and may possibly feed them a bit of 'endless wrath'. The Nathezim have noticed that the Legion's coming to town, and realises that they could get the upper hand here before Kil'Jaeden can get onto Azeroth - possibly even destroying their would-be assassins before they peek their heads through that portal. Also, there's a good chance that they can claim a bit of Outland for their own if they push hard enough, and there's no doubt they will probably want to knock Illidan off his pedestal.

Part 4: Leverage

The following will help your case, but are not necessary for a race to be chosen. If you answer "yes" to any or all of these questions, consider your case stronger. If you answer no, it likely means very little, but could hurt your case slighly.

  • Does your race have a home on, or near Kalimdor? Maybe Hyjal. Or wherever they want.
  • Will your race bring a new visual style to the Alliance in some way? Yep. Demonic soul vampires are somewhat original in style.
  • Is your race interesting? Interest is a highly subjective question, but there are qualities that, from most people's perspective, make a race "interesting". Not only does it please leet kiddies with their endless vampire fantasies, but they are also -very- cool.
    • Does the race have a solid backstory? Yes.
    • Do they have their own conflicts that aren't just them being pulled along with other storylines? This is the interesting bit - why the hell a group of evil demons would join the Grand Alliance. Here's the spin: Using their rather impressive shapeshifting abilities, they have managed to infiltrate the Alliance in ways that only Lady Onyxia could dream of, taking various positions of power. Now, they reveal themselves. They need help, or Kil'Jaeden will wreak vengeance upon them with far-reaching consequences. They can't ally with the Horde, because the Blood Elves seem a bit too much of Kil'Jaeden's allies for their liking - after all, their prince has become one of his servants. Anyway, the Alliance have no choice. They must either agree to the Nathrezim's request or they will be crippled from the inside. Lady Onyxia may have infiltrated the Stormwind Throne Room, but the demons have taken up more vital ranks. All four races agree, for otherwise they will fall into civil war and ruin. The Nathrezim have already taken their place in the Alliance, now they can use it as a tool against that blasted Eredar. Of course, the Alliance have certain demands too, and the demons are obliged to fulfil them. They may have a grip, but they know that the Alliance could still destroy them.
    • Do they have their own unique language? Nathrezim.
    • Do they have a unique visual style for their art and architecture? Out of this world, believe me. With a hint of Scourge.
    • Would their city be vastly different than any other city currently in game? Why not?

All of these types of qualities will add weight to your argument.

  • Does your race makes good business sense? You've seen how all the kids want to be a vampire. Now they can be. Also, they are pretty unique.
  • Would you want to play the race you're suggesting? Of course. I'm practicing my evil laugh already.

And there we have it. I've managed to fit one of the supposedly most ridiculous suggested races into the Alliance. Booyah!




THANK YOU, TEST! Garm 20:10, 30 September 2007 (UTC)

Part 1: Humanoid

For annihilan, it is double-sided. Pit lords have 4 legs and are tall. However, they are able to wear all bits of armor and wield all kinds of weaponry without much casualty.

Part 2: Lore

Not much has been said about the history of annihilan. Forsaken-type lore is maximally possible with Mannoroth and Magtheridon gone. ^.^

Part 3: Location

Not from Azeroth, but not originally from Outland either. They could be from one of the other 3 planets left.

Suggesting draeneiesque lore, I suppose pit lords could have Gilneas or Mount Hyjal to themselves. That wall (in Gilneas) is taller than they are in-game (I've seen a pit lord in Nagrand. Not that tall, huh?)

Part 4: Leverage

Hmm... lemme go check {goes to check}

Visually, they contrast what a stereotypical Alliance race would appear to be. And size won't matter because they have gnomes. They need a pit lord to match up to them taurens!

Who doesn't want to play a huge dragon-like thing that can act as a neighborhood watch community in Duskwood! Garm 20:17, 30 September 2007 (UTC)

Part 5: Feedback

Everybody LOOK IT OVER! Garm 20:10, 30 September 2007 (UTC)

I do, monsieur, constantly. However, you seemed to have taken a bit of a pick-and-mix view on this test and have squeezed one of the most unlikely races to have entered the scene through using only points that take your fancy. Note the "If you answer 'no' to any of the following questions, your race fails" at the top of the test.
In any case, a trial by fire through some fan-created grinder designed for Burning Crusade races doesn't really earn the race any more prestige. I pushed nathrezim through only for a bit of fun. --User:Vorbis/Sig