Warcraft III/Patch 1.22

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Patch 1.22
Version 1.22.0
Release date June 30, 2008
Initial version 6328
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Patch 1.22 was a minor patch that was released on June 30, 2008.


  • There is now a replay auto-save feature in the options menu. Replays are automatically saved to the "replay" folder.
  • The game is now automatically saved in the event of a potential disconnect. These saved games are placed in the "save" folder.
  • Player color selection can now be limited by the number of players in the game using an option in the "Advanced Options" screen during game creation.
  • Added an option to always show unit and building health bars.
  • You can now enable and disable the display of minimap signals from players and other observers using chat commands: /showminimapsignals and /hideminimapsignals.
  • Added a new in-game cheat "maxfps" to limit the maximum frame rate to the given number. Example: "maxfps 30" will set the maximum frame rate to 30 FPS.

Balance Changes


  • Scout Tower repair rate changed from 12 to 20.
  • Knight damage increased: Attack cooldown changed from 1.50 to 1.40 and base damage increased from 25 to 28 (Average damage is 34).


  • Increased Ziggurat base armor from 1 to 5.
  • Reduced the build time of the Necropolis from 120 to 100.

Night Elf

  • Reduce the Orb of venom poison duration from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Increase the experience gain from Dryads from Level 2 (40xp) to Level 3 (60 xp).


  • The cooldown on unlimited usable items (example: the staff of preservation) now persists after the item is dropped or traded.
  • A cooldown exploit with potions has been fixed.
  • When you unburrow a Crypt Fiend, its auto-cast will no longer be toggled off.
  • An exploit bug in which items could lose their cooldowns when transferred between heroes has been fixed.
  • Fixed DotA-specific sound effects on Intel Macs.
  • Fixed sound falloff on Intel Macs. Distant sounds should now still be audible.


  • New maps from contest winners:
    • (2) MeltingValley
    • (2) RoadToStratholme
    • (4) CentaurGrove
    • (4) TidewaterGlades